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 Economics & Finance


Robert Guttmann’s Case Against Homo Economicus

Robert Guttmann argues that the Homo Economicus model of human decision-making is flawed because it ignores: 1) the role of cognitive biases, 2) the role of time, and 3) the social contexts in which decisions are made.

Do Attractive People Make More Money?

Daniel S. Hamermesh discusses his research on whether beauty pays.

Should Commodity Taxes Be Uniform Throughout India?

Ranjan Ray discusses optimal taxation in the Indian context.

Is It Economically Beneficial For A City To Host The Olympics?

Andrew Zimbalist argues that it is generally not economically beneficial for a city to host the Olympics.

Do Local Governments Engage in Property Tax Competition?

Jan Brueckner discusses his research on property tax competition between local governments.

How Has Eurozone Fragility Changed Since the 2010-12 Crisis?

Paul De Grauwe discusses the 2010-2012 Eurozone Crisis & how the Eurozone has held up through the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic.

Does Bitcoin Have Intrinsic Value?

Willem Buiter argues that bitcoin does not have intrinsic value.

What Is The Role Of Trust In Social Interactions & Public Policy?

Ananish Chaudhuri discusses experimental research on trust in social interactions.

How Should Post-Compulsory Education Be Funded?

Nicholas Barr discusses the roles of tuition fees, student loans, and government in funding post-compulsory education.

Nicholas Chater on the Nudge Unit

Nicholas Chater discusses the Nudge Unit.

How Do Currency Unions Affect Trade, Exchange Rate Volatility, and Income?

Andrew Rose discusses the effects of currency unions.

Do Standard Exchange Rate Models Explain the Observed Behavior of Exchange Rates?

Charles Engel discusses exchange rate models.

What is Experimental Economics?

Shaun Hargreaves Heap discusses what experimental economics is and why he became interested in it.


What Is The Future Of NFTs?

Carol Alexander argues that NFTs will become increasingly important as the metaverse develops.


Will Work From Home Cause A Long-Term Reduction In The Value Of NYC Office Buildings?

Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh discusses the impact of work from home on the value of NYC office real estate.

How Will Demographic Developments Impact The Economy In Coming Decades?

Charles Goodhart discusses how ageing demographics will negatively impact the global economy in the coming decades.

Are We In For A Lengthy, Or Temporary, Period Of Higher Central Bank Interest Rates?

Charles Bean discusses the trajectory of central bank interest rates.

What Effects Might Unconventional Monetary Policy Have On The Real Economy?

Viral Acharya on the effects of unconventional monetary policy.

Why Might Alexander Hamilton Be Considered America’s First Central Banker?

Richard Sylla discusses Alexander Hamilton’s response to the Panic of 1792.

Andrea Ferrero On Surveying 600 Economists’ Ideal Inflation Target

Andrea Ferrero discusses research showing that most of 600 surveyed economists are satisfied with the prevailing inflation target.