Ranjan Ray
Ranjan Ray, who is based in Australia, specialises in Development Economics, Public Economics, and Applied Welfare Economics.
He is currently Professor of Economics at Monash University in Melbourne.
Ranjan Ray is on the editorial board of the Review of Income and Wealth (journal of the International Association for Research in Income and Wealth) and Economic Record (journal of the Economic Society of Australia).
He has taught courses on public finance and the economics of developing countries.
His research topics include optimal taxation, the measurement of poverty and inequality, public policy for child and family welfare, dietary habits in developing countries, and fiscal federalism & resource transfers.
You can find his book, Household Behaviour, Prices, and Welfare here.
Lectures & Interviews
Kolkata, India
PhD Economics, London School of Economics
MA Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi
BA Economics, Presidency College, University of Calcutta
Doctoral Dissertation
Utility Maximisation and Consumer Demand with an Application to the United Kingdom 1900-70
Doctoral Superviser
John Denis Sargan
Professor of Economics, Monash University, 2008 -
Head of the Department of Economics, University of Tasmania, 1995 - 1998, 1999-2002
Consultant, Office of the Chief Economist and Senior Vice President, World Bank, June 2015
Visitor to Economics Department, Bath University, October 2011
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Verona, November - December 2002
Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, University of Florence, November - December 2005
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Massey University, June 2005
Visiting Consultant, International Labour Organisation, July 2003
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, University of Verona, June 2002
Visiting Scholar, Department of Statistics, University of Florence, June 2002
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Cornell University, June 2001
Consultant, Office of the Vice President, The World Bank, November 1998
Visiting Scholar, Department of Economics, Cornell University, September - November 1998
Visiting Professor, University of Rome, November - December 1996
Professor of Economics, University of Tasmania, 1995 - 2007
Visiting Professor, Centre for Economic Research, Tilburg University, May - July 1994
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, Massey University, July - August 1993
Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, University of British Columbia, September 1992 - July 1993
Visiting Professor, Economics Research Centre, University of Western Australia, May - June, 1992
Visiting Professor, Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa, May - June, 1991
Professor of Public Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 1989-1995
Visiting Fellow, Centre for Economic Research, June 1989
Distinguished Visitor in the Department of Economics, Massey University, November 1988
Visiting Fellow in the Department of Econometrics, University of New South Wales, September/November 1988
Reader in Economics, Delhi School of Economics, University of Delhi, 1985-1987 (On leave from Manchester University)
Lecturer in Econometrics, Manchester University, 1979-1989
Lecturer in Economics, University of Hull, 1977 - 1979
Lecturer in Economics, City of London Polytechnic, 1975 - 1976
Lecturer in Statistics, Tottenham Technical College, 1974 - 1975
Lecturer in Economic Statistics. Hindu College, University of Delhi, 1971 - 1972
Development Economics
Health Economics
Optimal Taxation
The Measurement of Poverty and Inequality
Child & Family Welfare in Developing Countries
Dietary Habits in Developing Countries
Fiscal Federalism & Resource Transfers
Estimation of Spatial Prices and Purchasing Power Parities
Refereed Journal Articles/Chapters
“Analysis of a Time Series of Household Expenditure Surveys for India”, Review ofEconomics and Statistics, 1980, 595-602.
“The Philips Model of Inter-Temporal Demand Behaviour:Some Interesting Properties and an Alternative Derivation of Estimating Equations”, SANKHYA, Series D, 42,1980, 32-45.
“Do Relative Price Changes Affect the General Equivalence Scale?”, Economics Letters,8, 1981, 287-291.
“The Testing and Estimationof Complete Demand Systems on Household BudgetSurveys: An Application of AIDS”, European Economic Review, 17, 1982, 349-369.
“Estimating Leisure Goods Models on Time Series of Cross Sections”, Empirical Economics, 7, 1982, 89-102.
“Generalised Cost Scaling: A New Approach to Demographic Variables in DemandAnalysis”, Economics Letters, 9, 1982, 295-299.
“Estimating Utility Consistent Labour Supply Functions: Some Results on Pooled BudgetData”,Economics Letters, 9, 1982, 389-395.
(withRichard Blundell)“A Non-Separable Generalisation of the LES Allowing Non-Linear Engel Curves”, Economics Letters, 9, 1982, 349-354.
“Measuring the Costs of Children: An Alternative Approach”, Journal of Public Economics, 22, 1983, 89-102.
“Estimating Dynamic Demand Systems: Some Results on Pooled Indian Budget Data”, Economics Letters, 1983, 291-296.
(with Louis Kasekende), “Testing for Linear Engel Curves: An Application of NLES toCross Country Data”, Economics Letters, 14, 1984, 327-332.
“A Dynamic Generalisation of theAlmost Ideal Demand System”, Economics Letters,1984,235-239.
(with Richard Blundell), “Testing for Linear Engel Curves and Additively SeparablePreferences Using a New Flexible Demand System”, Economic Journal, 94, 1984,801-811.
“A Nested Test of the Barten Model of Equivalence Scales”, Economics Letters, 1985,411-412.
“Specification and Time Series Estimation of Dynamic Gorman Polar Form DemandSystems”, European Economic Review, 27, 1985, 357-374.
“Evaluating Expenditure Inequality Using Alternative Social Welfare Functions: A CaseStudy of Rural India”, Indian Economic Review, XX, 1985, 171-190.
“On Calculating the Optimal Commodity Tax Rate: An Alternative to Social WelfareMaximisation”, Economics Letters, 19, 1985, 355-358.
“Prices, Children andInequality: Further Evidence for the UK, 1965-82”, Economic Journal, 95, 1985, 1069-1077.
“A Dynamic Analysis of Expenditure Patterns in Rural India”,Journal of DevelopmentEconomics, 19, 1985, 283-297.
“Flexibility in Dynamic Demand Modelling and its Implications for Testing Restrictions”, The Manchester School, March, 1986, 1-21.
“Demographic Variables and Equivalence Scales in a Flexible Demand System: The Case of AIDS”, Applied Economics, March, 18(3), 1986, 265-278.
“On Setting Indirect Taxes in IndiaUsing the Ramsey Approach: Evidence fromHousehold Budget Data”, Journal of Quantitative Economics, July, 1986, 249-262.
“Sensitivity of ‘Optimal’ Commodity Taxes to Alternative Demand Functional Forms: An Econometric Case Study of India”, Journal of Public Economics, 31, 1986, 253-268.
“Redistribution through Commodity Taxes: The Non Linear Engel Curve Case”, Public Finance/Finances Publiques, 2, 1986, 277-284.
“Optimally Uniform Commodity Taxes and Non Linear Engel Curves: A Generalisation of the Linear Case”,Economics Letters, 22, 1986, 365-368.
(with M.N. Murty), “Sensitivity of Optimal Commodity Taxes to Relaxing Leisure/Goods Separability and to Wage Rate”, Economics Letters, 24, 1987, 273-277.
(with S. Chatterjee), “Net Import Content of Consumptionin Rural and Urban India”, Indian Economic Journal, 34(3), 1987, 109-115.
“Optimal Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Children”, Scandinavian Journal ofEconomics, 90(1), 1988, 75-92.
(with M.N. Murty), “Distributional Equity, Optimal Commodity Taxes andTax Reforms: Sensitivity Results of Some Simulation Exercises”, Anvesak, 18(1-2), 1988, 133-165.
“Optimally Uniform Commodity Taxes in a Non-Linear Demographic Demand Model”, Bulletin of Economic Research, 40, 1988, 227-234.
“Household Composition and Optimal Commodity Taxes: Do Demographic VariablesMatter?”, Journal of Population Economics, 1(3), 1988, 213-224.
“On a New Class of Decomposable Poverty Measures”, Indian Economic Journal,36(4),1989, 30-38.
“Impact of Demographic Variables on Optimal Commodity Taxes: Evidence from UK Family Expenditure Surveys, 1967-85”, Public Finance/Finances Publiques, 44(3),1989, 437-452.
“The Behavioural and Welfare Implications of Housing Demand Under Rationing: The UK Experience”, Journal of Population Economics, 2,1989, 211-224.
(with M.N. Murty), “A Computational Procedure for Calculating Optimal CommodityTaxes with Illustrative Evidence from Indian Budget Data”, Scandinavian Journal ofEconomics, 91(4), 1989, 655-670.
(with R. Jha and M.N. Murty), “Dual Pricing, Rationing and Ramsey Commodity Taxation: Theory and Illustration”, The Developing Economies,XXVIII (3), 1990,229-239.
“Complete Demand Systems and Recent Welfare Applications in India: A Review”, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 7(1), 1991, 1-22.
(withN. Kakwani), “Optimal Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Rationing”, PublicFinance/Finances Publiques, 46, 1991, 424-440.
“Optimal Demogrants and Taxes in a Federal Welfare State”,Journal of PopulationEconomics, 6, 1993, 199-214.
“Cereal Consumption in India and its Nutritional Implications: An Econometric Analysis”, Journal of Quantitative Economics (Journal of the Indian Econometric Society), 9(2),1993, 243-262.
(with S. Chatterjee), “External Constraint and India’s Import Behaviour: An Analysis in the Almost Ideal Demand System Framework”, Journal of International Development,5(3), 1993,263-274.
(with S. Chatterjee and C. Michelini), “Expenditure Patterns and Aggregate Consumer Behaviour: Some Experiments with Australian and New Zealand Data”,TheEconomic Record, 70(210), 1994, 278-291.
“Demographic Variables in Demand Systems: The Case for Generality”, Empirical Economics, 21, 1996, 307-315.
“Nesting Flexible Demand Functional Forms: Econometric Evidence for India and UK”, SANKHYA, Series B, 1996, 58(B2), 254-273.
“Issues in the Design and Reform of Commodity Taxes: Analytical Results and EmpiricalEvidence”, Journal of Economic Surveys, 11(4), 1997, 353-388.
(with G. Lancaster), “Comparison of Alternative Models of Household Equivalence Scales: The Australian Evidence on Unit Record Data”,The Economic Record,74(224), 1998, 1-14.
“The Design of Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Tax Evasion with Illustrative Evidence from India”, Public Finance Review, 26(5), 1998, 503-518.
(with J.V. Meenakshi),“Regional Differences in India’s Food Expenditure Pattern: A Complete Demand Systems Approach”, Journal of International Development, 11,1999, 47-74.
(with G. Lancaster and R. Valenzuela), “A Cross Country Study of Poverty and Inequality on Unit Record Household Budget Data”, Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48(1), 1999, 177-208.
“Marginal and Non-Marginal Commodity Tax Reforms with Rank Two and Rank Three Demographic Demand Systems”, Oxford Economic Papers, 51, 1999, 689-712.
(with G. Lancasterand R. Valenzuela), “A Cross-Country Study of Equivalence Scales and Expenditure Inequality on Unit Record Household Budget Data”,Review of Income and Wealth, 45(4), 1999, 455-482.
(with J.V. Meenakshi), “State-Level Food Demand in India: Some Evidence on Rank-Three Demand Systems”,Journal of Quantitative Economics, 15(2), 1999, 257-276.
“Poverty and Expenditure Pattern of Households in Pakistan and South Africa: A Comparative Study”,Journal of International Development, 12(2), 2000, 241-256.
“Analysis of Child Labour in Peru and Pakistan: A Comparative Study”, Journal ofPopulation Economics, 13, 2000, 3-19.
“Child Labour, Child Schooling and their Interaction with Adult Labour: The Empirical Evidence for Peru and Pakistan”,World Bank Economic Review, 14(2), 2000, 347-367.
(with P. Blacklow), “A Comparison of Income and Expenditure Inequality Estimates: TheAustralian Evidence, 1975-76 to 1993-94”,The Australian Economic Review, 33(4),2000, 317-329.
(with P. Blacklow), “Optimal Commodity Taxes in Australia”, Australian EconomicReview, 35(1), 2002, 45-54.
(with G. Lancaster), “International Poverty Comparisons on Unit Record Data of Developing and Developed Countries”, Australian Economic Papers, 41(2), 2002,129-139.
(with P. Maitra), “The Joint Estimation of Child Participation in Schooling and Employment: Comparative Evidence from Three Continents”, Oxford DevelopmentStudies, 30(1), 2002, 41-62.
(with G. Lancaster), “Tests of Income Pooling on Household Budget Data: The Australian Evidence”, Australian Economic Papers, 41(1), 2002, 99-114.
(with J.V. Meenakshi), “Impact of Household Size and Family Composition on Poverty in Rural India”, Journal of Policy Modelling, 24(6), 2002, 539-559.
“The Determinants of Child Labour and Child Schooling in Ghana”, Journal of AfricanEconomies, 11(4), 2002, 561-590.
(with P. Maitra), “The Effects of Transfers on Household Expenditure Patterns and Poverty in South Africa”, Journal of Development Economics, 71, 2003, 23-49.
(with P. Maitra). “Resource Inflows and Household Compositions: Evidence from South African Panel Data”, Journal of International Development, 15(8), 2003, 1037-47.
(with P. Blacklow), “Intra-Household Resource Allocation, Consumer Preferences and Commodity Tax Reforms: Australian Evidence”, The Economic Record,79(247),2003, 425-433.
“A Cross Country Comparison of Child Nutrition and Investigation of its Demographic Determinants”, Journal of Quantitative Economics, 2(1), 2004, 44-65.
(with P. Maitra), “The Impact of Resource Inflows on Child Health: Evidence from Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, 1993-98”, Journal of Development Studies, 40(4),2004, 78-114.
(with D. Coondoo and A. Majunder), “On a Method of Calculating Regional Consumer Price Differentials with Illustrative Evidence from India”, Review of Income andWealth, 50(1), 2004, 51-68.
“Child Labour: A Survey of Selected Asian Countries”, Asian-Pacific EconomicLiterature, 18(2), 2004, 1-18.
(with G. Lancaster), “On Setting the Poverty Line Based on Estimated Nutrient Prices: Condition of Socially Disadvantaged Groups during the Reform Period”, Economic and Political Weekly, 30(1), 2005, 46-56.
(with P. Maitra), “The Impact of Intra-Household Balance of Power on Expenditure Pattern: The Australian Evidence”, Australian Economic Papers,44(1),2005,15-29.
(with G. Lancaster), “The Impact of Children’s Work on Schooling: Multi-CountryEvidence”, International Labour Review, 14(2), 2005, 189-210.
(with G. Lancaster and P. Maitra), “Endogenous Intra-household Balance of Power and itsImpact on Expenditure Patterns: Evidence from India”, Economica,73, (291), 2006,435-460.
(with G. Lancaster and P. Maitra), “Household Expenditure Patterns and Resource Pooling: Evidence of Change in Post-Apartheid South Africa”, Review of Economics of the Household,4 (3), 2006, 325-347.
(with G. Lancaster and P. Maitra),“Gender Bias in Nutrient Intake: Evidence from Selected Indian States”, South Asia Economic Journal, 7(2),2006, 255-299.
“Analysis of Changes in Food Consumption and their Implications for Food Security and Under Nourishment”, Development and Change, 38(2), 2007, 321-343.
(with Vinod Mishra), “Changes in Household and Child Nutritional Status and Their Determinants in a Transition Economy: Evidence from Vietnamese Panel data”, Journal of Quantitative Economic, New Series, 5(1),2007,1-16.
(with G.Lancaster and P.Maitra), “Household Expenditure Patterns and Gender Bias:Evidence from Selected Indian States”, Oxford Development Studies,36(2),2008,133-157.
(with P.Maitra), “Is There Gender Bias in the Household’s Time Allocation in aDeveloping Country? The Indian Experience”, Journal of Quantitative Economics,6(1& 2),2008, 81-100.
(with V.Mishra), “Dietary Diversity, Food Security and Undernourishment: TheVietnamese Evidence”, Asian Economic Journal,2009,23(2),225-247.
(with A.Nicholas and R. Valenzuela), “Evaluating the Distributional Implications of PriceMovements: Methodology, Application and Australian Evidence”, Economic Record,2010,80 (274), 352-366.
(with P.Blacklow and A.Nicholas), "Demographic Demand Systems with application to equivalence scales and inequality analysis: the Australian evidence", Australian Economic Papers,2010, 49 (3),161-179.
(with Ankita Mishra), “Prices, Inequality and Poverty: Methodology and Indian Evidence”, Review of Income and Wealth, 2011, 57(3), 428-448.
(with K. Sinha), " Measuring the Multi Dimensional Knowledge Deprivation of HIV/AIDS: A New Approach with Indian Evidence on its Magnitude andDeterminants", Journal of Biosocial Science, 2011,43(6), 667-684.
(with Ankita Mishra),"Do Inequality and Prices Affect Comparisons in Living Standards? The Indian Evidence", Economic and Political Weekly, 2011, XLVI (3), 39-46.
(with K. Sinha), "Interaction between HIV awareness, knowledge, safe sex practice and HIV incidence: evidence from Botswana", Journal of Biosocial Science, 2012,44,321-344.
(with A. Nicholas), "Duration and Persistence in Multidimensional Deprivation:Methodology and Australian Application", Economic Record, 2012, 88 (280), 106-126.
(with A. Mishra), "Multi-Dimensional Deprivation in the Awakening Giants: A Comparison of China and India on Micro Data", Journal of Asian Economics,2012,23,454-465.
(with I. Chatterjee), "Does the Evidence on Corruption Depend on how it is measured? Results from a Cross Country Study on Micro Data sets", Applied Economics, 2012,44(25), 3215-3227.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha), “The Calculation of Rural Urban Food Price Differentials from Unit Values in Household Expenditure Surveys: a new procedure and comparison with existing methods”, American Journal of AgriculturalEconomics,2012, 94(5),1218-1235.
(with P.Maitra, A.Rammohan and MC Robitaille), “Food consumption patterns and malnourished Indian children: Is there a link?”,Food Policy, 2013, 38, 70-81.
(with A.Mishra), "Multi-Dimensional Deprivation in India during and after the Reforms:Do the Household Expenditure and the Family Health Surveys Present ConsistentEvidence",Social Indicators Research,2013,110. 791-818.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha), "Temporal Comparisons of Prices, Expenditure and Growth in India: A State-wise Analysis”,Indian Growth and Development Review,2013, 6(2), 195-211.
(with P.Maitra), “Child Health, Maternal Health and Infant Mortality in West Bengal and Comparison with other Regions in India”,Economic and Political Weekly, 2013, Dec.7,50-58.
(with S.Ahmed), “Determinants of Pregnancy, Induced and Spontaneous Abortion in aJointly Determined Framework: Evidence from a Country wide District LevelHousehold Survey in India”,Journal of Biosocial Science, 2014, 46, 480-517.
(with I.Chatterjee), “Crime, Corruption and the Role of Institutions”,Indian Growth andDevelopment Review, 2014,7, 73-95.
(with A.Mishra), “Spatial Variation in Prices and Expenditure Inequalities inAustralia”,Economic Record, 2014, 90, 137-159.
(with S. Ahmed), “Health Consequences of Child Labour in Bangladesh”,DemographicResearch, 2014, 30, 111-150.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha), "Estimating Purchasing Power Parities from HouseholdExpenditure Data Using Complete Demand Systems with Application to LivingStandardsComparison:India and Vietnam",Reviewof Income and Wealth:2015,61(2), 302-328.
(with A.Majumder and K. Sinha), “Spatial Comparisons of Prices and Expenditure in aHeterogeneousCountry: Methodology with Application to India”,MacroeconomicDynamics:2015, 19, 931-989.
(with K.Sinha), “Multidimensional deprivation in China, India and Vietnam: AComparativeStudy on Micro Data’,Journal of Human Development andCapabilities:2015,16(1), 69-93.
(with M. Chakrabarty and A.Majumder), “Preferences, Spatial Prices and Inequality”,Journal of Development Studies, 2015, 15 (11), 1488-1501.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha), “A Unified Framework for the Estimation of Intra and Inter Country Food Purchasing Power Parities: India, Indonesia and Vietnam”,IndianGrowth and Development Review, 2016, 9(1), 2-31.
(with A. Majumder),“Estimates of Spatial Prices in India and their Sensitivity to Alternative Estimation Methods and Choice of Items",Social Indicators Research,2017,131, 145-167.
(with A. Majumder and S. Santra), “The World Bank’s Poverty Enumeration: How Transparent is the Process, how Sound is the Methodology and how Reliable are theNumbers?",Economic and Political Weekly, 2017, June 17, 43-52.
“The Role of Prices in Welfare Comparisons: Methodological Developments and aSelective Survey of the Empirical Literature”,Economic Record, 2017,93 (301),314-332.
(with A. Majumder and S. Santra), “Sensitivity of Purchasing Power Parity Estimates toEstimation Procedures and their effect on Living Standards Comparisons”, Journal of Globalization and Development, 2017, 8, 1-25.
(with A. Majumder and S. Santra), “Sensitivity of Global and Regional Poverty Rates toAlternative Purchasing Power Parities’,Indian Growth and Development Review,2018, 11, 34-56.
(with M. Chakrabarty and A. Majumder), “A Framework for the Simultaneous Measurement of Spatial Variation and Temporal Movement in Prices in aHeterogeneous Country: the Dynamic Household Regional Product Dummy Model”, Review of Income and Wealth, 2018, 64, 203-230.
(with S. Ahmed), “Do In Utero Shocks Have Adverse Effects on Child Health Outcomes and Can Welfare Schemes Ameliorate Such Effects? Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India”, Journal of Biosocial Science, 2018, 50, 770-799.
(with Ankita Mishra and Leonora Risse), “A Multidimensional Dynamic Measure of Child Disadvantage:A Methodological Tool for Policymakers”,Social IndicatorsResearch, 2018, 139, 1187-1218.
(with Ankita Mishra and Leonora Risse), “How Does Child Disadvantage Change with Age? An Analysis of Australian Children”,Journal of Human Development and Capabilities, 2018, 19, 477-498.
(with A. Nicholas and K. Sinha), “Differentiating between Dimensionality and Duration in Multidimensional Measures of Poverty: Methodology with Application to China”,Review of Income and Wealth, 2019, 65 (1), 48-74.
(with K. Sinha), “Food Consumption, Calorie intake and undernourishment in India: the recent evidence on role of welfare schemes”, (2019) in Disease, human Health, and Regional Growth and Development in Asia. Batabyal, A. A., Higano, Y. & Nijkamp,P. (eds.).1st ed.Singapore, Springer, p. 21-46.(New frontiers in Regional Science:Asian Perspectives; vol. 38).
(with A. Majumder), “National and subnational purchasing power parity: a review”. Decision, 2020, 47, 103-124.
(with A. Majumder and S. Santra), “The spatial price map of India drawn using pseudo unit values”,Indian Growth and Development Review,2020,13(3), 537-560.
(with A. Majumder and S. Santra), “Should commodity tax rates be uniform across regions in a heterogeneous country? Evidence from India”, forthcoming inJournal of PolicyModelling, 2021.
(with P. Singh), “Regionally disaggregated estimates of global income inequality with evidence on sensitivity to purchasing power parity”, forthcoming inJournal of theAsia Pacific Economy, 2021.
(with S. Kumar), “COVID-19: facts, figures, estimated relationships and analysis”,forthcoming inIndian Economic Review, 2021.
Ray, R. (2018), Household Behaviour, Prices, and Welfare:A Collection of Essays Including Selected Empirical Studies, published by Springer in its new series, Themes in Economics: Theory, Empirics and Policy(this book was published in October, 2018).
“On Setting Commodity Tax Rates: The Case for Differentiating Between the Rich and the Poor”,Economic and Political Weekly, January 17, 1987, 91-94.
“On Calculating the Cost of Living Index in India”,Economic and Political Weekly, June20, 1987, 998-1000.
(with K. Basu and A.M. Basu), “Migrants and the Native Bond: An Analysis of Micro Level Data from Delhi”,Economic and Political Weekly,22,December, 1987,145–154.
“Optimal Commodity Taxes and Consumer Behaviour in India: Theory and Empirical Evidence”, in K. Basu and P. Nayak (eds),Development Policy and EconomicTheory, OUP, Delhi, 1992, 145-178.
“Agricultural Pricing and Public Investment: Comment”, in A. Bagchi and N. Stern (eds),Tax Policy and Planning in Developing Countries, OUP, Delhi, 1994.
“Optimal Provision and Financing of Public Goods in a Federal State with Illustrative Empirical Evidence”, in A. Bose, M. Rakshit and A. Sinha(eds),Issues in Economic Theory andPublic Policy, OUP, Delhi, 1997.
“Rules in Setting and Changing Commodity Tax Rates: A Review with Illustrative Australian Evidence”, Chapter 6 in J. Head and R. Krever, (eds),Taxation Towards 2000, Australian Tax Research Foundation, Melbourne, 1997.
(with J.V. Meenakshi), “Estimates of Poverty for SC, ST and Female-Headed Households”,Economic and Political Weekly, 35, July 29, 2000, 2748-2754.
“Poverty, Household, Size and Child Welfare in India”,Economic and Political Weekly,35, Sept. 23, 2000, 3511-3520.
“Child Labour in Peru: An Empirical Analysis and its Modelling Implications”, Chapter13 in Macroeconomics, Trade and Labour in Latin America, edited by Enrique Bour, Daniel Heymann and Fernando Navajas, Macmillan, 2002.
(with J.V. Meenakshi), “How Have the Disadvantaged Fared in India? An Analysis of Poverty and Inequality in the 1990s”, inTrade Policy Reform, Growth and Equity in Asian Developing Countries, edited by Kishor Sharma, Routledge, 2002.
“The Interaction between Child Labour and Child Schooling: Comparative Evidence onCross-Country Data”,Markets and Government, editors K. Basu, P. Nayak and R.Ray, OUP, Delhi, 2003.
(with P. Maitra), “Analysis of Resource Inflows and Their Impact on Household Behaviour”, in Household Behaviour, Equivalence Scales, Welfare and Poverty, editors C. Dagum and G. Ferrari, Physica-Verlag, New York, 2003.
(with P. Maitra), “Household Characteristics and Living Standards: Evidence from India”in South Asia in the Era of Globalization, editors M. Bhattacharya and R. Smyth, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2004, 165-194.
(with P. Maitra), “Equity Implications of Reforms on Living Standards and Child Health in Post-apartheid South Africa”, inTrade, Growth and Inequality in the Era of Globalization, edited by K. Sharma, Routledge, 2006, 86-102.
“Household Welfare and Decision Making in India”, in Oxford Companion to Economics in India, edited by K. Basu, Oxford University Press, India, 2007,255-256.(with S.Chatterjee and A.Rae),
“Food Consumption and Calorie Intake in ContemporaryIndia” in eSocial Sciences, Mumbai, India, 30 September, 2007
“Diversity in Calorie Sources and Undernourishment during Rapid Economic Growth”,Economic and Political Weekly,Vol. XLIII(8),February, 23, 2008, 51-57.
(with D.Coondoo, G.Lancaster and A.Majumder), “Alternative Approaches to Measuring Temporal Changes in Poverty with Application to India”,in Contemporary Issues and Ideas in Social Sciences”, April 2008.
“Education and Child Labour: A Global Perspective”, inThe World of Child Labour: A Historical and Regional Survey, edited by HughD. Hindman, M. E. Sharpe Inc., New York, USA, 2009, 118-126.
“Food Insecurity, Undernourishment and Poverty in India During the 1990s”, in Post-reform Development in Asia, edited by Manoj Kumar Sanyal, Mandira Sanyal and ShahinaAmin, Orient Blackswan, India, 2009,61-82.
(with Ankita Mishra)," Do Inequality and Prices Affect Comparisons in Living Standards? The Indian Evidence", 2011,Economic and Political Weekly, XLVI (3), 39-46.
“International Comparison Program of the World Bank: How Meaningful Is the Exercise for India?”Economic and Political Weekly, 2014, Aug. 30, 70-75.
(withK. Sinha),“Rangarajan Committee Report on Poverty: Another Lost Opportunity”,Economic and Political Weekly, 2014, Aug. 9, 43-48.
“India’s Economic Performance in the Post-Reforms Period-a Tale of Mixed Messages”in Globalisation and Challenges of Development in Contemporary India, edited by Sita Venkateswar and Sekhar Bandyopadhyay, Springer, 2016.
“The Link between Preferences, Prices, Inequality and Poverty: The Indian Evidence”, Ch.7 in Markets, Governance and Institutions in the Process of Economic Development, edited by Ajit Mishra and Tridip Ray, OUP, Delhi, 2017.
(with Kaushik Basu and Pulin Nayak), Markets and Governments, 2003, OUP, Delhi
“Poverty and Famines”, (OUP), by A.K. Sen for The Manchester School.
“Essays in the Theory and Measurement of Consumer Behaviour”, (CUP), (edited) byA.S. Deaton, for Journal of Forecasting.
“The Political Economy of Development in India”, (Basil Blackwell), by P. Bardhan for The Manchester School.
“The Less Developed Economy: A Critique of Contemporary Theory”, (Basil Blackwell), by K. Basu for The Manchester School.
“Income Distribution and Economic Development: An Analytical Survey”, by J.Lecaillon, F. Paakert, C. Morrisson and D. Germidis for The Manchester School.
“Foreign Capital, Savings and Growth: An International Cross-Section Study”, by K.L. Gupta (Dordrecht) forThe Manchester School.
“Lawrence Klein: Economic Theory and Econometrics”, (Basil Blackwell) (edited) by J. Marquez forThe Manchester School
“Taxation and Agricultural Development”, by C.H. Shah for Economic and Political Weekly.
“Political Control of the Macro-Economy”, by P. Whiteley, (Sage Publishers) for Economic and Political Weekly.
“Analysing Redistribution Policies”, by N. Kakwani, (CUP), for The Manchester School.
“Allocation Models”, by R. Bewley (Ballinger), for The Manchester School.
Book Notes for The Economic Journal.
“Preference, Production and Capital: Selected Papers of H. Uzawa”, (CUP), for The Manchester School.
“The Measurement of Household Welfare”, (CUP), (ed) by R. Blundell, I.Prestonand I. Walker forThe Economic Record.
“Readings in Development Economics, Volume I: Micro-Theory”, MIT Press, 2000 for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
“Child Labor and Education inLatin America: An Economic Perspective”, edited by P. Orazem, G. Sedlacek and Z. Tzannatos, Palgrave, Macmillan forThe Developing Economies.
“Pollution from coal-based power units and anaemic status of children and women”,https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/human-development/pollution-from-coal-based-power-units-and-anaemic-status-of-children-and-women.html,Posted on 2December, 2020.
‘Child Health, Fertility and Sex Ratio: India vs Bangladesh’,https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/human-development/child-health-fertility-and-sex-ratio-india-vs-bangaldesh.html. Posted on 22 November, 2018.
‘Enhancing nutrition among the poor: UBI vs. welfare programmes’,https://www.ideasforindia.in/topics/poverty-inequality/enhancing-nutrition-among-the-poor-ubi-vs-welfare-programmes.html. Posted on 28 May,2018.
‘Quality of governance and welfare outcomes’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/article.aspx?article_id=1619, Posted on 27 April, 2016.
‘Why the World Bank’s International Comparison Program has limited use forIndia’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/Article.aspx?article_id=415.Posted on 20 Feb,2015
‘A critical assessment of the Rangarajan Panel Report on poverty measurement’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/Article.aspx?article_id=365. Posted on 30 Oct, 2014.
‘Going beyond the Gujarat versus rest of India debate on growth rates’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/Article.aspx?article_id=286. Posted on 7 May, 2014.
‘Economic growth versus social development: The spatial dimension’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/Article.aspx?article_id=172. Posted on 31 July, 2013.
‘Multi-dimensional deprivation in India: Comparisons with China and Vietnam’,http://www.ideasforindia.in/Article.aspx?article_id=26. Posted on 3 Aug, 2012
Conference Presentations
“The Testing and Estimation of Complete Demand Systems on Household BudgetSurveys: A Comparative Study of Time Series and Pooled Cross-Section Data”, paper presented at the Fourth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 1980,Aix-en-Provence, France.
“Estimating Leisure Goods Models on a Time Series of Cross Sections”, paper presented at the 1981 European meeting of the Econometric Society, Amsterdam,Holland.
“Leisure in a True Cost of Living Index for UK” (with Ian Walker), paper presented at the 1981 meeting of the Association of University Teachers in Economics, UK.
“The Specification and Time Series Estimation of Dynamic Gorman Polar FormDemand Systems”, paper presented at the 1983 European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Pisa, Italy
“Testing for Linear Engel Curves and Additively Separable Preferences using aNew Flexible Demand System”, (with Richard Blundell), paper presented at the 1983 European Meeting of the Econometric Society, Pisa, Italy.
“On Measuring Poverty in India: A Synthesis of Alternative Measures”, paper presented at the Fifth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 1985, Boston,USA.
“On Setting Indirect Taxes in India using the Ramsey Approach: Evidence from Household Budget Data”, paper presented at the Fifth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 1985, Boston, USA.
“Optimal Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Children and Non Linear Engel Curves”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Indian Econometric Society, January 1987, Ahmedabad, India.
“Distributive Equity, Optimal Commodity Taxes and Tax Reforms in India”, (with M.N. Murty), paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Indian Econometric Society, January 1987, Ahmedabad, India.
“The Behavioural and Welfare Implications of Housing Demand under Rationing: the UK Experience”, paper presented at the Annual Conference of European Society of Population Economics, May 1988, Mannheim, West Germany.
“Optimal Commodity Taxes and Consumer Behaviour in India: Theory and Empirical Evidence”, paper presented at the Conference on ‘Development Economics and Policy’, December 1988, organised at the Delhi School ofEconomics, India.
“Consumer Behaviour, Complete Demand Systems and some Recent Welfare Applications with Special Reference to India: A Review”, invited paper, presented at the International Conference on ‘Methods of Planning and Policy Analysis for Mixed Economies’, 5-7 January 1989, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Bombay, India.
Invited to discuss “Agriculture Pricing and Public Investment” by David Newbery at the Meeting of International Society of Public Economics, National Institute of Public Finance and Policy, January 1990, New Delhi .
(with N. Kakwani), “Optimal Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Rationing”, paper presented at the Sixth World Congress of the Econometric Society, August 1990, Barcelona, Spain.
“Welfare and Demographic Implications of Optimal Commodity Taxes in a Federal Country”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Population Economics, June 1991, Pisa, Italy.
“Modelling the Impact of Children on Household Expenditure, Behaviour andWelfare”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the European Society of Population Economics, June 1994, Tilburg, Holland.
“The Design of Commodity Taxes in the Presence of Tax Evasion with Illustrative Evidence from India”, paper presented at the Seventh World Congress of theEconometric Society, August 1995, Tokyo, Japan
“Issues in the Design and Reform of Commodity Taxes”, paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Economics Association, May 1996, St Catherine’s, Ontario, Canada.
“Rules in Setting and Changing Commodity Tax Rates: A Review with Illustrative Australian Evidence”, invited paper presented at a “Tax Conversations Colloquium”, organised in Sydney in July 1996, by the Taxation, Law and Policy Research Institute of Deakin University.
(with S. Chatterjee), “Household Preferences, Disinflation and Inequality: Distributional Impact of New Zealand’s Economic Reform 1984-92”, paper presented at the Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society, July 1996,UWA, Perth.
(with J.V. Meenakshi), “Regional Differences in India’s Food Expenditure Pattern”, paper presented at the Second South and South East Asian Meeting of the Econometric Society held at the Delhi School of Economics, India, in December 1996.
(with G. Lancaster), “Comparison of Alternative Models of Household Equivalence Scales: The Australian Evidence on Unit Record Data”, paper presented at the 1997 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society at theUniversity of Melbourne in July, 1997.
(with R. Valenzuela), “A Cross Country Study of Equivalence Scales and Expenditure Inequality on Unit Record Household Budget Data”, paper presented at the 1997 Annual Conference of Economists held in Hobart in September, 1997.
“Marginal and Non Marginal Commodity Tax Reforms with Rank Two and Rank Three Demographic Demand Systems”, paper presented at the 1997 Annual Conference of Economists held in Hobart in September, 1997.
(with G. Lancaster and R. Valenzuela), “A Cross Country Study of Household Poverty and Inequality on Unit Record Household Budget Data”, paper presented at the 1998 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society held at the Australian National University in July, 1998.
“Expenditure Behaviour of Households and Welfare of Children and Widows in Pakistan, South Africa: A Study on Unit Record Data”, paper presented at the 1998 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society held at the Australian National University in July, 1998.
“A Cross Country Comparison of Child Nutrition and Investigation of its Demographic Determinants”, paper presented at the 1999 Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society held at the UTS, Sydney in July, 1999.
“Child Labour, Child Schooling and their Interaction with Adult Labour: The Empirical Evidence and some Analytical Implications”, paper presented at theTwelfth World Congress of the International Economic Association held in Buenos Aires, Argentina in August, 1999.
“Poverty, Household Size and Female Headed Households in India”, paper presented at the Conference of the Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand in December, 1999.
“Poverty, Household Size and Child Welfare in India”, paper presented at the Conference of the Bengal Economic Association in Calcutta in February, 2000.
(with G. Lancaster), “International Poverty Comparisons on Unit Record Data of Developing and Developed Countries”, Paper presented at the 29th Annual Conference of Economists in the Gold Coast, in July, 2000.
“Child Labour and Child Schooling in South Asia: A Cross Country Study of their Determinants”, invited paper presented at the Conference on “Child Labour in South Asia” held at the JNU, New Delhi,15-17 October, 2001.
“Intra Household Resource Allocation and Household Welfare”, invited paper presented to the Conference on “Equivalence Scales and Household Welfare” held at the University of Florence, Italy in June 2002.
“The Determinants of Child Labour in Ghana”, paper presented in ESAM02 at theQueensland University of Technology, Brisbane, in July 2002.
“Intrahousehold Resource Allocation, Consumer Preferences and Commodity Tax Reforms: The Australian Evidence”, paper presented in ESAM03 at UNSW,Sydney in July, 2003.
(with G. Lancaster), “Does Child Labour Affect School Attendance and School Performance? Multi Country Evidence on SIMPOC data”, paper presented at the North Eastern Universities Development Economics Conference at Yale University, U.S.A. in October, 2003.
(with G. Lancaster and P. Maitra), “Endogenous Power, Household Expenditure Patterns and Gender Bias: Evidence from India”, paper presented at the AnnualMeeting of the European Society of Population Economics held in Bergen, Norway in June, 2004.
“Changes in Indian Food Consumption During the 1990s. and their Implications for Calorie Intake, Food Security and Poverty”, Paper presented at Conference inMelbourne (29-30 Sept., 2005) organised by the ABERU unit of Monash University, Australia.
(with S. Chatterjee and A. Rae),“Food Consumption, Trade Reforms and Trade Patterns in Contemporary India: How do Australia and New Zealand Fit in?”, paper presented at the Development Economics Workshop (8-9 June,2006) organised by the Economics Department of Monash University at its Clayton Campus inMelbourne.
(with D. Coondoo, A. Majumdar and G. Lancaster), “Derivation of Nutrient Prices from Household Level Food Expenditure Data: Methodology and Applications”, paper presented at the Australasian Meeting of the Econometric Society (ESAM) held at Alice Springs in July, 2006.
(with D. Coondoo, A. Majumdar and G. Lancaster), “Alternative Approaches toMeasuring Temporal Changes in Poverty with Application to India”, paper presented at the Meeting of the InternationalAssociation for Research In Income and Wealth in Joensuu, Finland, in August 2006.
(with G.Lancaster and P.Maitra), “Household Expenditure Patterns and GenderBias: Evidence from Selected Indian States”, paper presented at the Conference on Gender Issues and Empowerment of Women held on the occasion of the Platinum Jubilee of the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, India, 1-2 Feb., 2007.
“Dietary Changes, Calorie Intake and Under nourishment: A Comparative Study ofIndia and Vietnam”, invited paper presented at an International Seminar on “Revisiting the Poverty Issue, Measurement, Identification and Eradication”, organised by the Institute for Human Development, Delhi and the A. N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies and Asian Development Research Institute, and held inPatna, India, July 20-22,2007.
“Is there Gender Bias in the Household’s Time Allocation in a DevelopingCountry? The Indian Experience”, paper presented at the Australian DevelopmentEconomics Workshop at the ANU, Canberra, June,5-6, 2008.
(with A.Nicholas and R.Valenzuela),“Evaluating the Distributional Implications of Price Movements”, paper presented at the annual meeting of the European Society for Population Economics (ESPE) held in Seville, Spain,11-13 June,2009.
(with A.Mishra), “Prices, Inequality and Poverty: Methodology and IndianEvidence”, paper presented at the Conference on Growth and Development held at the Indian StatisticalInstitute,Delhi in Dec., 2009.
(with A.Mishra), “Prices, Inequality and Poverty: Methodology and IndianEvidence”, paper presented at the Conference of the International Association of Research in Income and Wealth held in St. Gallen in Switzerland in August, 2010.
(with K.Sinha), “Multidimensional Deprivation in China, India and Vietnam”, paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association in Jakarta in September, 2012.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha), “Estimating Purchasing Power Parities Using Complete Demand Systems with Application to Living Standards Comparison:India and Vietnam”, paper presented at the Conference on Growth and Development held at the Indian Statistical Institute,Delhi in Dec., 2012.
“India’s Economic Performance in the Post-Reforms Period: A Tale of Mixed Messages”, invited talk at a workshop to inaugurate the New Zealand India Research Institute in Wellington in August, 2013.
(with A.Nicholas and K.Sinha), “A Dynamic Multidimensional Measure of Poverty with Application to China and Indonesia”, paper presented at the Annual Conference of the Human Development and Capability Association in Managua inSeptember, 2013.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha),“A Unified Framework for the Estimation of Intra and Inter Country Food Purchasing Power Parities with Application to Cross Country Comparison of Food Expenditures”, paper presented at the IARIWGeneral Conference held in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 24-30 August, 2014.
(with A.Majumder and K.Sinha),“Spatial Comparisons of Prices and Expenditure in a Heterogeneous Country: Methodology with Application to India”, paper presented at theWorkshop on “Inter-Country and Intra-Country Comparisons of Prices and Standards of Living” held in Arezzo (Italy) in September, 2014.
(with A. Majumder and S.Santra), “Preferences, Inequality and Purchasing Power Parities”, paper presented to the World Bank, June, 2015.
(with A.Majumder and S.Santra), “Global and Country Poverty rates, Welfare Rankings of the Regions and Purchasing Power Parities: How Robust are theResults?”, Invited paper presented at the Conference on Development and Policy at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the NUS in Singapore, 5-6 June,2016.
(with A. Majumder and S.Santra), “Preferences, Inequality and Purchasing Power Parities”, paper presented at the IARIW General Conference held in Dresden, Germany, in August, 2016.
(with A.Majumder and S.Santra), “Global and Country Poverty Rates, Welfare Rankings of the Regions and Purchasing Power Parities: How Robust Are the Results?”, invited paper presented at the II International Conference on Sub-national PPPs, and GDP Real GDP and Living Conditions Comparisons held in Nanchang, China in October, 2016
(with A. Mishra and L. Risse),“A Multidimensional Dynamic Measure of Child Disadvantage: A Methodological Tool for Policymakers”, paper presented at the IEA World Congress in Mexico, in June, 2017.(with Parvin Singh), “Regionally Disaggregated Estimates of Global Income Inequality with Evidence on Sensitivity to Purchasing Power Parity”,paper presented at the IEA World Congress in Bali, Indonesia, in July, 2021.
Subjects Taught
Econometric Theory, Applied Econometrics, Public Economics, Microeconomics, Statistical Techniques in Development Planning, Mathematical Methods for Economists, Issues in Development Economics.
Memberships of Editorial Boards
Journal of Human Development and Capabilities (official journal of the Human Development and Capability Association)
Review of Income and Wealth (official journal of the International Association forResearch in Income and Wealth).
Economic Record (official journal of the Economic Society of Australia)
Journal of Quantitative Economics(official journal of the Indian Econometric Society)
(1996-2012), Journal of International Development (official journal of the Development Studies Association).
Awards, Honors, & Grants
1966-1969 Government of India (Merit) National Scholarship for undergraduate study.
1969-71 University Grants Committee (Merit) Scholarship for Postgraduate study.
1973-76 British Council Overseas Students Fee Award for Post Graduate study atL.S.E.
1977 Lady Edwina Mountbatten Research Award.
1995 Invited to present the Annual Asia Lecture at the University of Tasmania,Australia.
1996(Nov)Awarded Large grant ($123,000) by the Australian Research Council for 3 years (1997-99) for the project: “Consumer Behaviour and its Implications for Tax Reforms in Australia” (Ranjan Ray is the sole chief investigator).
1996(Nov-Dec) Invited by the University of Rome, Tor Vergata on a Fellowship from theItalian National Research Council to advise a team of Italian researchers in the area of ‘equivalence scales’, and to help in constructing new poverty lines forItaly.
1997 Invited by the New Zealand Asian Studies Society to give the keynote speech at the New Zealand International Conference on Asian Studies (NZASIA)scheduled for November 1997.
2000(Nov) Awarded Large grant ($140,000) by the Australian Research Council for 3years (2001-2003) for the project: “Cross Country Comparisons of HouseholdBehaviour and Welfare on Unit Record Data”, (Ranjan Ray is the sole chief investigator).
2001(Sept) Awarded Discovery Project Grant ($55,000) by the Australian ResearchCouncil for 2 years (2002-03) for the project: “Resource Inflows, Intrahousehold Resource Allocation and their Impact on Expenditure Patterns,Child Health and Household Composition”, (jointly with Dr. P. Maitra ofMonash University, Australia and Prof. M. Chatterji of Dundee University,U.K. as the other Investigators).
2003(May) Invited by the International Labour Organisation to undertake two projects inthe area of Child Labour.
2003(Oct) Awarded Discovery Project Grant ($210,000) by the Australian ResearchCouncil for 3 years (2004-06) for the project, “Modelling Decision MakingWithin the Household and Analysing its Welfare Implications: MethodologicalAdvances with Policy Applications”, (jointly with Dr P Maitra of Monash University, Australia as CI2 and Professor K Basu of Cornell University,U.S.A. as PI).
2002 Nominated by the Australian Research Council’s Expert Advisory Committee as an “expert assessor of international standing”.
2006 Nominated by the Australian Research Council’s College of Experts as an“expert of international standing”