Barry Eichengreen
Barry Eichengreen is the George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science at the University of California, Berkeley. He has taught at U.C. Berkeley since 1987. He previously taught at Harvard University from 1980-1986.
He is also a Research Associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research (Cambridge, Massachusetts) and Research Fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (London, England). In 1997-98 he was Senior Policy Advisor at the International Monetary Fund. He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences (class of 1997). He was President of the Economic History Association during the 2010-2011 academic year.
He has held Guggenhim and Fulbright Fellowships and been a fellow of the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Palo Alto) and the Institute for Advanced Study (Berlin). From 2004 to 2020 he served as convener of the Bellagio Group of academics and officials. He is a regular monthly columnist for Project Syndicate.
Lectures & Interviews
Ph.D. Economics, Yale University
M.A. History, Yale University
M.Phil. Economics, Yale University
M.A. Economics, Yale University
A.B., U.C. Santa Cruz
George C. Pardee and Helen N. Pardee Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1999- present
Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1986- present.
Research Fellow, Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1984- present.
Pitt Professor of American History and Institutions, University of Cambridge, 2014-15.
John L. Simpson Professor of Economics and Professor of Political Science, University of California, Berkeley, 1994-1999.
Senior Policy Advisor, International Monetary Fund, 1997-98.
Professor of Economics, University of California at Berkeley, 1986-94.
Faculty Research Fellow, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1981-86.
Assistant and Associate Professor of Economics, Harvard University, 1980-86.
Economic History Association's Jonathan R.T. Hughes Prize for Excellence in Teaching in 2002
University of California at Berkeley Social Science Division's Distinguished Teaching Award in 2004
Doctor Honoris Causa, The American University of Paris
2010 recipient of the Schumpeter Prize from the International Schumpeter Society
Named one of Foreign Policy Magazine 's 100 Leading Global Thinkers in 2011
Policy Papers
"Two Views of the International Monetary System," University of California, Berkeley (2019).
"Convergence and Divergence in the EU: Lessons from Italy," Intereconomics (2019).
"Sisyphus, Move Over: On the Management of the U.S. Debt," Milken Review (2019).
"IMF Reform: The Unfinished Agenda" with José De Gregorio, Takatoshi Ito, and Charles Wyplosz (September 2018)
"Are Trump's Tariffs Fit for Purpose?" Capitalism and Society (2018).
"The Future of Globalization," International Finance - a Journal of the China Finance Society (2018).
"Ten Years After the Global Financial Crisis: Risks to Financial Stability," Northeast Asia Forum (2018).
"The Euro after Meseberg," Review of World Economics (2018).
"IMF Reform: The Unfinished Agenda" with José De Gregorio, Takatoshi Ito, and Charles Wyplosz (September 2018).
“Is it the End of the Global Trading Order, or Just a Recasting?” Global Asia (June 2018).
“Asia after the Liberal Order,” Global Asia (June 2018).
“Is All This EU-Enthusiasm Justified?” Intereconomics (January 2018).
“The Euro Malaise: From Remission to Cure,” Milken Review (2018).
“The Euro’s Narrow Path,” Politica Exterior (December 2017).
“The Open Economy Trilemma in the Long Run,” Korean Economic Review (winter 2018).
“Letter from America,” Intereconomics (Winter 2018).
“The Global Productivity Slump: Common and Country Specific Factors,” Asian Economic Papers (Fall 2017).
“The Euro’s Narrow Path,”Politica Exterior (2017).
“A Two Handed Approach to Secular Stagnation: Some Thoughts Based on 1930s Experience,” Journal of Policy Modeling (2017).
“After the Crisis: A New Model of Growth,” Annuario Internacional CIDOB (2017).
“Solving Europe’s Fiscal Conundrum” (with Charles Wyplosz), in Agnes Benasy-Coure and Francesco Giavazzi (eds), Fixing the Eurozone and Beyond (Centre for Economic Policy Research, 2017).
“Renminbi Internationalization: The Pause that Refreshes,” China’s World (May 2017).
“Prepare for a Crisis,” in Howard Witt (ed.), First Year 2017: Where the Next Presidency Begins, Volume 10, The Uncertain Future of Globalization (Miller Center at the University of Virginia, 2017).
“Capital Flows: What Do We Know?” Commencement Day Lecture Publication (India Export-Import Bank, 2017).
“Remarks on the Occasion of the Austrian National Banks’s 200th Anniversary,” in Oestereichissche Nationalbank, Central Banking in Times of Change (Austrian National Bank 2017).
“Financial History in the Wake of the Global Financial Crisis,” in David Chambers and Elroy Dimson (eds), Financial Market History (CFA Institute 2017).
“International Policy Coordination and Emerging Market Economies,” in Chetan Ghate and Kenneth Kletzer ed. Monetary Policy in India (Springer 2017).
“The Populist Turn in American Politics,” Current History (January 2017).
"International Monetary Order,” in Vitor Constancio and Philipp Hartmann (eds), The Future of the International Monetary and Financial Architecture (European Central Bank, 2016).
“Spinning Beyond Brexit: Will Globalization Go into Reverse?” Prospect (November 2016).
“Coping with Global Volatility,” International Economic Journal (2016).
“The Dollar and the International Dimension of Monetary Policy,” Revista d Economía (2016).
“Rethinking Capital Controls,” Milken Review (Summer 2016).
“Central Banking in the 21st Century,” in Normalizacion de la politica monetaria global y America Latina, Cartagena: FLAR (2016).
"The Mother of All Sudden Stops: Capital Flows and Reversals in Europe, 1919-32," Economic History Review, May 2016.
"Doctrinal Determinants, Domestic and International, of Federal Reserve Policy 1913-1934," in Michael Bordo and Mark Wynne (eds), The Federal Reserve's Role in the Global Economy: A Historical Perspective,Cambridge University Press, April 2016.
"Before the Plaza: The Exchange Rate Stabilization Attempts of 1925, 1931, 1936 and 1971," in Fred Bergsten and Russell Green (eds) International Monetary Cooperation: Lessons from the Laza Accord After Thirty Years, April 2016.
"The Euro's Twin Challenges Experience and Lessons" (with Bergljot Barkbu and Ashoka Mody), in James Caporaso and Martin Rhodes (eds), The Political and Economic Dynamics of the Eurozone Crisis (Oxford April 2016).
"Global Economic and Political Risks", Economic Policy Journal (in Russian), March 2016.
"The European Central Bank: From Problem to Solution",in Open Mind, BBVA Group The Search for Europe: Contrasting Approaches, 2016.
"Minimal Conditions for the Survival of the Euro" (with Charles Wyplosz), Intereconomics - Review of European Economic Policy. (January 2016)
"Wall of Worries: Reflections on the Secular Stagnation Debate", Bank of Japan, Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies Discussion Paper No. 2015-E-5, 2015.
"The IMF's Unmet Challenges"(with Ngaire Woods), Journal of Economic Perspectives 30(1). (Winter 2015)
"China's Money Goes Global", Milken Institute Review, Fourth Quarter 2015.
"Deja Vu All Over Again", The Political Economist, Fall 2015.
"China's Challenge: How to Strengthen the Financial System", Capital Ideas, August 2015.
"How the Euro Crisis Ends: Not with a Bang but With a Wimper," Journal of Policy Modeling, July 2015.
"Secular Stagnation: The Long View," American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings, May 2015.
"A Surplus of Ambition: Can Europe Rely on Large Primary Surpluses to Solve Its Debt Problem?" (with Ugo Panizza), Economic Policy, April 2015.
"The Uses and Misuses of Economic History," in Owen Humpage (ed.), Current Federal Reserve Policy Under the Lens of Economic History (Cambridge University Press, 2015).
"The Next Financial Crisis," Economia Politica (2015).
"The Eurozone Crisis: The Theory of Optimum Currency Areas Bites Back," Notenstein Academy White Paper (May 2014).
"Rethinking Central Banking" (with Eswar Prasad and Raghuram Rajan), in Deepak Mohanty (ed.), Monetary Policy, Sovereign Debt and Financial Stability: The New Trilemma, Reserve Bank of India, 2014.
"Strengthening the International Financial Architecture: The Unanswered Questions," in Ali al Sakik (ed.), The Global Crisis and its Economic Implications for Dubai, London: Palgrave, 2013.
"The Crisis of European Capitalism," Current History (November 2013).
"Shinzo Abe's Excellent Adventure," Milken Review (Autumn 2013).
"Number One Country, Number One Currency?," The World Economy (April 2013).
"Currency Wars: Perception and Reality," DWS Institute White Paper, (Frankfurt: Deutsche Bank, May 2013).
"Lessons of the Europe Crisis for Monetary Integration and Cooperation in Latin America," Papers and Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Economic Studies, Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas, Bogata: FLAR (July 2013).
"When Currencies Collapse,", Foreign Affairs, January/February 2012.
"The Once and Future Dollar," American Interest (May/June 2012).
"Escaping the Middle Income Trap," in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Achieving Maximum Long Run Growth (2012).
"Is the Age of Dollar Dominance Coming to an End?" Global Financial Institute White Paper, Frankfurt: Deutsche Bank (2012).
"Monetary Policy and Financial Stability," in Liu Shiyu (ed), Monitoring and Managing Financial Stability, International Monetary Fund and People's Bank of China, 2012.
"Asia's Role in the Post Crisis Global Economy: Closing Remarks," in Reuven Glick and Mark Spiegel (eds.), Asia's Role in the Post-Crisis Global Economy, San Francisco: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco (2012).
"Banks and Cross Border Capital Flows: Policy Challenges and Regulatory Responses" Second report of the Committee on International Monetary Policy and Reform (Funded by Sloan Foundation and published by Brookings Institution), September 2012.
"Rethinking Central Banking." A report from the Brookings Committee on International Economic Policy and Reform, September 2011.
"Public Debts: Nuts, Bolts and Worries." The 13th CEPR/ICMB Geneva Report on the World Economy, 16 September 2011.
"What Kind of Economic and Financial Leadership Does the World Expect of China? Lessons from Two Historical Episodes, " In Medium- and Long-term Development and Transformation Of the Chinese Economy, Cairncross Economic Research Foundation, 2011.
"The Euro's Never-Ending Crisis," Current History, March 2011.
"Business Cycle Behaviour in Historical Perspective: Introduction" (with Michael Artis and George Chouliarakis), The Manchester School (March 2011).
"Reforming the International Architecture, 2011 Edition." Keynote address delivered to the annual research conference of the Bank of Korea, Seoul, 26 May 2011.
"The Renminbi as an International Currency." January 2011.
"The International Financial Architecture and the Role of Regional Funds." Prepared for the fifth annual FLAR (Latin American Reserve Fund) economic studies annual conference, Cartagena, Colombia, August, 2010.
"Globalization and the Crisis." Text of presentation at the Ninth Munich Economic Summit, "The Financial Crisis: The Way Forward," 29 April 2010.
"Managing a Multiple Reserve Currency World." Prepared for the Asian Development Bank Institute/Earth Institute project on "Reform of the Global Monetary System" and in the project volume The 21st Century International Monetary System, ed. Wing Thye Woo (Asian Development Bank 2010). This version April 2010.
"Managing Openness: Lessons from the Crisis for Emerging Markets." Prepared for the World Bank Conference on Managing Openness, May 10, 2010. Appears in Managing Openness: Trade and Outward-Oriented Growth After the Crisis, Mona Haddad and Ben Shepherd, eds., World Bank Publications, 2011. This version May 2010.
"Mr. Bernanke Goes to War." The National Interest, 16 December 2010.
"The Crisis in Financial Innovation." Lecture given on receipt of the Schumpter Prize, Vienna, January 20, 2010. A revision will be published by the Austrian National Bank in its occasional paper series.
"Fortifying the Financial Architecture: Unanswered Questions." Current History, January 2010, vol. 109, issue 723, p. 17.
"The G-20 and the IMF: An Uneasy Relationship." Global Asia, September 2010.
"The Dollar Dilemma: The World's Top Currency Faces Competition." Foreign, September/October 2009.
"Financial Re-regulation, Yes. But..." Europe's World, Summer 2009.
"The Global Credit Crisis as History." An edited version will appear in Current History, January 2009.
"The Last Temptation of Risk," The National Interest Online, 28 April 2009.
"Viewpoint: Stress Test for the Euro," Finance and Development,, June 2009.
"The Crisis and the Euro," April 2009. An edited version is forthcoming in a publication from the Royal Elcano Institute in Madrid.
"Should There Be a Coordinated Response to the Problem of Global Imbalances? Can There Be One?" Background paper, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, published as Working Paper 69, September 2008.
"Globalization, Financial Markets and Climate Change," Speech to the Bank Indonesia Annual Conference, Bali, 2 August 2008.
"Asia and the Decoupling Myth," with Yung Chul Park. May 2008.
"The Cautious Case for Capital Flows." Presented to Rating Agency Malaysia's conference on "Free Capital Mobility: What's in Store for Asia?" held in Singapore, 1 August 2007.
"Brazil and the Subprime Crisis." Prepared for the National Association of Financial Market Institutions (ADMIMA) and Custody and Settlement Chamber (CETIP) Second International Seminar on Fixed Income Markets, Sao Paolo, 25 October 2007.
"The Asian Crisis After Ten Years." Keynote address delivered to a Singapore National University/SCAPE conference held in Singapore, 31 July 2007.
"The Korean Economy: Higher Costs, Slower Growth, Freer Trade--and the Way Forward." Presented to the KOTRA symposium on "Korea's Foreign Investment Inducement Since the Financial Crisis," Seoul, 20 June 2007.
"The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth." Delivered to the 8th annual conference of the W. Arthur Lewis Institute for Social and Economic Studies, Port of Spain, 27 March 2007.
"The Development of Asian Bond Markets," BIS Papers No. 30, Asian Bond Markets: Issues and Prospects, November 2006.
"China's Exchange Rate Regime: The Long and Short of It." Revision of a paper for Columbia University's conference on Chinese money and finance held in New York on February 2-3, 2006. Updated July 2006.
"Debt Instruments and Policies in the New Millennium: New Markets and New Opportunities," (with Eduardo Borensztein and Ugo Panizza), Inter-American Development Bank, RES Working Paper 4456, April 2006.
"Global Imbalances: The New Economy, the Dark Matter, the Savvy Investor, and the Standard Analysis," The Journal of Policy Modeling, Volume 28, Issue 6, September 2006, Pages 645-652.
"Global Imbalances: Implications for Emerging Asia," (with Yung Chul Park). Presented to the IADB Annual Meetings Seminar, Madrid, 15-16 May 2006.
"The Parallel Currency Approach to Asian Monetary Integration," Appears in American Economic Review, Vol. 96, Issue 2, May 2006.
"Europe, the Euro and the ECB: Monetary Success, Fiscal Failure." An edited version appears in The Journal of Policy Modeling, Volume 27, Issue 4, June 2005, Pages 427-439.
"Capital Account Liberalization and the Fund," Prepared for the High Level Seminar on Capital Account Liberalization and the IMF, held at the Swiss Ministry of Finance and convened jointly by the Finance Ministries of Belgium, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switerland, Bern, 12 December 2005.
"Can Emerging Markets Float? Should They Inflation Target?" 2002. Revised version in Exchange Rates, Capital Flows and Policy by Rebecca Driver, Christoph Thoenissen and Peter Sinclair (eds.) Routledge, 2005.
"The Blind Men and the Elephant." Presented to the Tokyo Club Conference on International Capital Flows, Kyoto, November 21-22, 2005. Also in Issues in Economic Policy, January 2006.
"The Dollar and the New Bretton Woods System," text of the Henry Thornton Lecture, delivered at the Cass School of Business, 15 December 2004.
"The Dollar and the Policy Mix Redux" (with Yung Chul Park), for presentation at the Korean Development Institute, 23 March 2004. A shortened version appears in Current History, December 2004.
"Financial Development in Asia: The Way Forward," inaugural lecture delivered on behalf of the Institute of South East Asian Studies, Singapore, 14 January 2004. Published as IEAS Occasional Paper, October 2004.
"Financial Instability," written on behalf of the Copenhagen Consensus, presented in Copenhagen on 25-28 May 2004.
"Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy in Korea: Assessments and Policy Issues," prepared for a symposium at the Bank of Korea, 25 August 2004. Revised version appears as CEPR Discussion Paper 4676, October 2004.
"Real and Pseudo Preconditions for an Asian Monetary Union," for presentation to the Asian Development Bank High-Level Conference on Asia's Economic Cooperation and Integration, Manila, 1-2 July, 2004. Revised version appears in Asian Economic Cooperation and Integration: Progress, Prospects, and Challenges, Asian Development Bank, 2005.
"Strengthening the International Financial Architecture: 2004," plenary address to 3rd Annual PECC Finance Conference, Sheraton Santiago Hotel and Conference Center, Santiago, Chile, 21 June 2004.
"The Unintended Consequences of the Asian Bond Fund," lecture at the Institute of East Asian Studies, Singapore, January 2004.
"Sustainable Regimes of Capital Movements in Accession Countries" (with David Begg, László Halpern, Jürgen von Hagen, and Charles Wyplosz), revised version published as CEPR Policy Paper 10, March 2003.
"The Consequences of Saying No: An Independent Report into the Economic Consequences of the UK Saying No to the Euro" (with David Begg, Olivier Blanchard, Diane Coyle, Jeffrey Frankel, Francesco Giavazzi, Richard Portes, Paul Seabright, Anthony Venables, L Alan Winters and Charles Wyplosz), a report for Britain in Europe, 2003.
"Institutions for Fiscal Stability," paper prepared for the Munich Economic Summit, 2-3 May 2003. Revised version in CES-Ifo Economic Studies (2004).
"Crisis Resolution: Why We Need a Krueger-Like Process to Obtain a Taylor-Like Result," April 2002. Prepared for the Institute for International Economics Conference on Sovereign Debt Workouts: Hopes and Hazards. These remarks draw on my book, Financial Crises and What to Do About Them, Oxford University Press.
"Lessons of the Euro for the Rest of the World," delivered under the auspices of the Austrian Marshall Plan Foundation, Vienna, 4 December 2002.
"What Macroeconomic Measures are Needed for Free Trade to Flourish in the Western Hemisphere?" prepared for the Organization of American States/NetAmericas Research Network on Trade in the Americas Conference on "Integrating the Americas," Washington, DC, 21 - 22 November 2002. Revised version published in Latin American Politics and Society (2004).
"Crisis Prevention and Management: Any New Lessons from Argentina and Turkey?" October 2001. Background paper written for the World Bank's Global Development Finance 2002.
"Managing Financial Crises," November 2001. Lecture delivered on the occasion of the award of the Felix Neubergh Prize, Goteborg University, 13 November 2001. A revised version appears in pamphlet form by the Felix Neubergh Foundation.
"Solving the Currency Conundrum," preliminary version, March 2001. Prepared for the Council on Foreign Relations Study Group on Economic and Financial Development. A revised version appears in Economic Notes, 2001.
"Strengthening the International Financial Architecture: Open Issues, Asian Concerns," prepared for the IMF/KIEP Conference on the Korean Crisis and Recovery, Seoul, 18 - 19 May 2001. Revised version published in Korean Crisis and Recovery, David T. Coe and Kim Se-Jik (eds.), 2002. Seoul: International Monetary Fund and Korea Institute for International Economic Policy.
"What Problems Can Dollarization Solve?" prepared for an ASSA panel on dollarization chaired by Dominick Salvatore, January 2001. A revised version appears in The Journal of Policy Modeling, 2001.
"The Euro One Year On," preliminary version, February 2000. A revised version appears in The Journal of Policy Modeling, 2000.
"Will EMU Work?" preliminary draft. A revised version appears (in Norwegian) in Arne Jon Isachsen and Ole Bjorn Roste (eds.), Euroen og den norske kronens skjebne, 2000.
"Capital Controls: Capital Idea or Capital Folly?" November 1998. Revised version appears in Milken Review, 1999.
"Strengthening the Common Financial House," remarks delivered at the World Bank/Japanese Ministry of Finance Conference on Global Finance and Development, 2 March 1999.
"Strengthening the International Financial Architecture: Where Do We Stand?" preliminary version, October 1999. Prepared for the East-West Center Workshop on International Monetary and Financial Reform, Honolulu, 1 - 2 October 1999. A revised version appears in ASEAN Economic Review, 2000.
"Taming Capital Flows," preliminary version, September 1999. A revised version appears in a special issue of World Development, June 2000, edited by Irma Adelman.
"EMU: The Road Ahead," preliminary draft. A revised version appears in NIRA Review, Spring 1998, National Institute for Research Advancement, Tokyo. Revised and updated version in Harmen Lehment (ed.), Challenges for Highly Developed Countries in the Global Economy, 1998, Kiel Institute of World Economics.
"The Only Game in Town," preliminary draft. A revised version appears in The World Today, November 1998.
"Will the Asian Phoenix Rise Again?" preliminary draft October 1998. A revised version appears in Global Emerging Markets, London: Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, November 1998. Also appears in Financial Times Currency Forecaster, December 1998.
"International Monetary Arrangements: Is There a Monetary Union in Asia's Future?" preliminary draft. A revised version appears in Brookings Review, March/April 1997.
"Europe's Role in International Financial Markets After EMU," preliminary draft. A revised version appears in Borsen-Zeitung, 28 October 1997. (The web version here of this paper is in English; published version is in German.)
"The Tyranny of the Financial Markets," Current History, November 1997.
“What Do Currency Crises Tell Us About the Future of the International Monetary System?” (with Charles Wyplosz), in Jan Joost Teunissen (ed), Can Future Currency Crises be Prevented or Better Managed? Lessons from the Mexican Crisis (Fondad 1996).
“The Tobin Tax: What Have We Learned?” in Inge Kaul et al. (eds), The Tobin Tax (Oxford University Press 1996).
Reprinted in Courrier de la Planete (March/April 1997). (In French.)
“Sensible EMU,” The International Economy (May/June 1996).
“Back to the Future: the Return of Bond and Equity Finance,” Harvard International Review (Winter 1995/1996).
“Contending with Capital Flows: What Is Different about the 1990s?” (with Albert Fishlow), Occasional Paper, Council on Foreign Relations (1996). Revised and expanded version published in Miles Kahler (ed), Capital Flows and Financial Crises (Cornell University Press 1998). Also appears in Trimestre Economico (1999). (In Spanish.)
“Transatlantic Economic Relations at the Dawn of the 21st Century,” in Le Trimestre du Monde, 1995. Also published in Amerikastudien/American Studies (1997). Reprinted in The Transatlantic Relationship (VS Verlag fur Socialwissenschaften 2004).Authored Books.
The Korean Economy: From a Miraculous Past to a Sustainable Future (Harvard East Asian Monographs) with Wonhyuk Lim, Yung Chul Park and Dwight H. Perkins. Harvard University Asia Center, March 2015.
Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, co-edited with Masahiro Kawai. Brookings Institution Press and the Asian Development Bank Institute, February 2015.
Hall of Mirrors: The Great Depression, The Great Recession, and the Uses-and Misuses-of History, Oxford University Press USA, January 2015.
From Miracle to Maturity: The Growth of the Korean Economy, with Dwight H. Perkins and Kwanho Shin. Harvard University Press, November 2012.
The World Economy after the Global Crisis: A New Economic Order for the 21st Century, co-edited with Bokyeong Park. World Scientific Books, April 2012.
Exorbitant Privilege: The Rise and Fall of the Dollar and the Future of the International Monetary System. Oxford University Press, January 2011.
Institutions for Regional Integration: Toward an Asian Economic Community, Asian Development Bank, 2010. Lead consultant on the report leading to this book.
The European Economy since 1945: Coordinated Capitalism and Beyond, Princeton University Press, Paperback edition, July 2008.
Globalizing Capital: A History of the International Monetary System (Second Edition). Princeton University Press, October 2008. Table of contents, index and excerpt. (French translation published by L'Harmattan, 1997. Italian translation published by Baldini Castoldi s.r.l., 1998.)
Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods MIT Press, September 2006.
Capital Flows and Crises, MIT Press, January 2003; paperback September 2004.
Built to Last: A Political Architecture for Europe (with Erik Berglöf, Gérard Roland, Guido Tabellini, and Charles Wyplosz), CEPR, February 2003.
Financial Crises and What to Do About Them, Oxford University Press, September 2002.
Toward A New International Financial Architecture: A Practical Post-Asia Agenda, Institute for International Economics, 1999.
Safeguarding Prosperity in a Global Financial System: The Future International Financial Architecture, Institute for International Economics, 1999. Report of an Independent Task Force Sponsored by the Council on Foreign Relations. Carla A. Hills and Peter G. Peterson, Co-Chairs. Morris Goldstein, Project Director.
An Independent and Accountable IMF (with Jose DeGregorio, Takatoshi Ito and Charles Wyplosz), Centre for Economic Policy Research, 1999.
European Monetary Unification: Theory, Practice, Analysis, MIT Press, 1997.
International Monetary Arrangements for the 21st Century, Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 1994; hardback and paperback. (Japanese translation by Iwanami Shoten, 1997.)
Reconstructing Europe's Trade and Payments: The European Payments Union, Manchester University Press, 1993; University of Michigan Press, 1994; hardback and paperback.
Golden Fetters: The Gold Standard and the Great Depression, 1919-39, Oxford University Press, 1992. (Italian translation published by Gius Laterza & Figli, 1994. Paperback by Oxford University Press, 1995.)
Elusive Stability: Essays in the History of International Finance 1919-1939, Cambridge University Press, 1990. Paperback edition, 1992.
The Korean Economy: From a Miraculous Past to a Sustainable Future (Harvard East Asian Monographs) with Wonhyuk Lim, Yung Chul Park and Dwight H. Perkins. Harvard University Asia Center, forthcoming 12 January 2015.
Research Papers
"Mars Versus Mercury: The Geopolitics of International Currency Choice," (with Arnaud Mehl and Livia Chitu), Economic Policy (Summer 2019).
“International Currencies in the Lens of History,” in Stefano Battliossi, Youssef Cassis and Kazuhiko Yago eds, Handbook of the History of Money and Currency (Springer 2019).
“China and the SDR: Financial Liberalization Through the Back Door”(with Guangtao Xia), Quarterly Journal of Finance (2019).
“The Link to Gold as the Original Sin of Bretton Woods,” in Naomi Lamoreau and Ian Shapiro eds., The Bretton Woods Agreements (Yale University Press 2019).
"The International Financial Implications of Brexit," International Economics and Economic Policy (2019).
“Versailles: The Economic Legacy,” International Affairs (2019).
“Aftershocks of European Monetary Unification: Hysteria with a Financial Twist,”(with Tamim Bayoiumi), Journal of Banking and Finance (2018).
"The Euro and the Theory (and Practice) of Monetary Union,"in The Future of Central Banking, Frankfurt: ECB (2018).
"Banks, Financial Markets, and the Development of International Currencies," in Lilia Constabile and Larry Neal eds, Financial Innovation and Resilience, (Palgrave, 2018).
"Ragnar Nurse and the International Financial Architecture," Baltic Journal of Economics (2018).
"Populism, Ideology and Materialism," New Global Studies (2018).
“Aftershocks of European Monetary Unification: Hysteresis with a Financial Twist” (with Tamim Bayoiumi), Journal of Banking and Finance (2018).
“Banks, Financial Markets and the Development of International Currencies,” in Lilia Costabile and Larry Neal eds, Financial Innovation and Resilience (Palgrave 2018).
“Optimum Currency Areas Past and Future,” Oxford Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance (June 2018).
“Multilayered Governance and the International Financial Architecture: The Erosion of Multilateralism in International Liquidity Provision” (with Dominico Lombardi and Anton Malkin), Global Policy (2018).
“Managing Sudden Stops” (with Poonam Gupta), in Enrique Mendoza, Ernesto Pasten and Diego Saravia (eds), Monetary Policy and Global Spillovers (Central Bank of Chile 2018).
“Trade Policy and the Macroeconomy,” IMF Economic Review (2018).
“Deflation and Monetary Policy,” in Dongchul Cho, Takatoshi Ito and Andrew Mason (eds), Economic Stagnation in Japan: Exploring the Causes and Remedies of Japanization (Edward Elgar, 2018).
“The Landscape of Economic Growth: Do Middle-Income Countries Differ?” (with Donghung Park and Kwanho Shin), Emerging Markets Trade and Finance (2018).
“Global Monetary Order,” in European Central Bank, The Future of the International Monetary and Financial Architecture (ECB 2017).
“RMBI vs. RMBR: Is the Renminbi Destined to be a Regional or Global Currency?” (with Domenico Lombardi), Asian Economic Papers (Fall 2017).
“When Capital Flows Come to a Stop” (with Poonam Gupta), Economia Chilena (2017).
“Can Countries Rely on Foreign Saving for Investment and Economic Development?” with Eduardo Cavallo and Ugo Panizza, Review of World Economy (2017).
“The Great Depression and the Great Recession in a Historical Mirror,” in Upjohn Institute for Employment Research, Confronting Policy Challenges of the Great Recession, Lessons for Macroeconomic Policy Using History as a Guide (Upjohn Institute 2017).
“The Global Safety Net and the Role for Regional Arrangements,” in Economia de China, politica monetaria global y America Latina: Retos para los bancos centrales de la region, (FLAR July 2017).
“Multilayered Governance the International Financial Architecture” (with Domenico Lombardi and Anton Malkin), Global Policy (December 2017).
"Global Monetary Order," in Vitor Constancio and Philipp Hartmann (eds), The Future of the International Monetary and Financial Architecture (European Central Bank, 2016).
"The Dollar and the International Dimension of Monetary Policy," Revista d Economia (2016).
"Special Issue: Coping with Economic Volatility," International Economic Journal, 8 August 2016.
"A Century and a Half of Central Banks, International Reserves and International Currencies",(with Marc Flandreau), in Michael Bordo et al.(eds), Central Banks at a Crossroads: What Can We Learn from History? (Cambridge University Press 2016).
"The Great Depression in a Modern Mirror", De Economist, March 2016.
"Stability or Upheaval? The Currency Composition of International Reserves in the Long Run" with Livia Chitu and Arnaud Mehl, IMF Economic Review, 13 October 2015.
"Mutual Assistance between Federal Reserve Banks 1913-1960 as Prolegomena to the TARGET2 Debate" with Arnaud Mehl, Livia Chitu and Gary Richardson, Journal of Economic History September 2015.
"Twenty Years After Fifty Years After Bretton Woods" with Michael Bordo in Marc Uzan (ed) Bretton Woods: The Next 70 Years, The Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, September 2015.
"From Tapering to Tightening: The Impact of the Fed's Exit on India" with Kaushik Basu and Poonam Gupta, India Policy Forum, 2014-2015.
"Sequencing RMB Internationalization", CIGI Papers Series, 25 May 2015.
"The Irish Crisis and the EU from a Distance", in IMF European Department Ireland: Lessons from Its Recovery from the Bank-Sovereign Doom Loop, January 2015.
"Financial Development and Economic Growth: The Long View," in Edward Chen and Wendy Dobson (eds), Financial Development and Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific, (Routledge, 2014). .
"History, Gravity and International Finance" (with Livia Chitu and Arnaud Mehl), Journal of International Money and Finance (2014).
"A Forensic Analysis of Global Imbalances" (with Menzie Chinn and Hiro Ito), Oxford Economic Papers (Summer 2014).
"Capital Controls in the 21st Century," CEPR Policy Insight (June 2014).
"Tapering Talk: The Impact of Expectations of Reduced Federal Reserve Security Purchases on Emerging Markets", Barry Eichengreen, University of California, Berkeley and Poonam Gupta, World Bank (12 December 2013).
"Exports of Services: Indian Experience in Perspective" (with Poonam Gupta), Indian Growth and Development Review (2013).
"The Eurozone Crisis: Phoenix Miracle or Lost Decade?" (with Naeun Jung, Stephen Moch and Ashoka Mody), Journal of Macroeconomics (Autumn 2013).
"The Financial Crisis and Indian Banks: Survival of the Fittest?" (with Poonam Gupta), Journal of International Money and Finance (December 2013).
"Does the Federal Reserve Care About the Rest of the World?", Journal of Economic Perspectives (2013).
"Political Extremism in the 1920s and 1930s: Do the German Lessons Generalize?" (with Alan de Bromhead and Keven O'Rourke), Journal of Economic History (July 2013).
"Currency War or International Policy Coordination?", Journal of Policy Modeling, May/June 2013.
"The Bretton Woods System," in Randall Parker and Robert Whaples eds, Routledge Handbook of Major Events in Economic History (Routledge 2013).
"The Architecture and Governance of Financial Supervision: Sources and Implications" (with Nergiz Dincer), International Finance (2013).
"How the Subprime Crisis Went Global: Evidence from Bank Credit Default Swap Spreads" (with Ashoka Mody, Luio Sarno and Milan Nedelijkovic), Journal of International Money and Finance (2012).
"Rebalancing Global Growth" (with Hiro Ito and Menzie Chinn), in Otaviano Canuto and Dani Leipziger (eds), Ascent After Decline: Regrowing Global Economies After the Great Recession, World Bank (2012). .
"European Monetary Integration with Benefit of Hindsight,"Journal of Common Market Studies (2012).
"Government, Business and Finance in Korean Industrial Development." International Economic Journal (September 2012).
"Throwing Out the Baby with the Bathwater: Implications of the Euro Crisis for Asian Monetary Integration,"Journal of Economic Integration (2012).
"The Two Waves of Service Sector Growth" (with Poonam Gupta), Oxford Economic Papers (2012).
"Flexing Your Muscles: Abandoning a Fixed Exchange Rate for Greater Flexibility" (with Andrew Rose), NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics 2011 (University of Chicago Press, 2012).
"International Liquidity in a Multipolar World,"American Economic Review Papers and Proceedings (2012).
"Financial Crises and the Multilateral Response: What the Historical Record Shows" (with Bergjot Barbku and Ashoka Mody," Journal of International Economics (2012).
"When Did the Dollar Overtake Sterling as the Leading International Currency? Evidence from the Bond Markets," (with Livia Chitu and Arnaud Mehl). European Central Bank Working Paper Series, No. 1433 / May 2012.
"How Reliable are De Facto Exchange Rate Regime Classifications? " (with Raul Razo-Garcia). NBER Working Paper Working Paper No. 17318 , National Bureau of Economic Resarch, August 2011 and International Journal of Finance and Economics (2012).
"Right Wing Political Extremism in the Great Depression," (with Alan de Bromhead and Kevin H. O’Rourke). A preliminary version was presented at the conference on “The Ethics of Economics,” held in honor of Avner Offer, October 5, 2011 at All Souls College, Oxford.
"Implications of the Euro's Crisis for International Monetary Reform," Prepared for the session entitled "A New International Monetary Order?" at the Allied Social Science Associated Meetings, Chicago, January 6, 2012, and forthcoming in the Journal of Economic Policy Modeling.
"How Housing Slumps End," with Agustín S. Bénétrix and Kevin H. O’Rourke. Paper prepared for the Fifty-Fourth Panel Meeting of Economic Policy supported by the National Bank of Poland, 27-28 October 2011.
"Real Exchange Rates, Trade, and Growth: Italy 1861-2011,"(with Virginia Di Nino and Massimo Sbracia). Paper presented at the conference “Italy and the World Economy, 1861-2011,” Rome, Banca d’Italia 12-15 October 2011.
"International Policy Coordination: The Long View." September 2011.
"Economic History and Economic Policy." Presidential address to the annual meeting of the Economic History Association, Boston, MA, September 2011.
"The External Impact of China's Exchange Rate Policy: Evidence from Firm Level Data" (with Hui Tong). IMF Working Paper WP/11/155, IMF, July 2011.
"When Fast Growing Economies Slow Down: International Evidence and Implications for China" (with Donghyun Park and Kwanho Shin). NBER Working Paper 16919, NBER, March 2011.
"The Service Sector as India's Road to Economic Growth " (with Poonam Gupta). NBER Working Paper 16757, NBER, February 2011.
"The New Monetary and Financial History." In Monetary and Banking History: Essays in Honour of Forrest Capie, Geoffrey Wood, Terence Mills and Nicholas Crafts (eds.) Routledge 2011.
"Global Shifts." Prepared for the Bank of Finland’s 200th anniversary symposium, Helsinki, May 5-6, 2011.
"Macroeconomic and Financial Policies Before and After the Crisis." Prepared for the East-West Center/KDI Conference on the Global Economic Crisis, Honolulu, 19-20 August 2010.
"Imbalances in the Euro Area," November 2010.
"From Great Depression to Great Credit Crisis: Similarities, Differences and Lessons." Presented at the 50th Economic Policy Panel Meeting, held in Tilburg on October 23-24, 2009. In Economic Policy (2010).
"Exchange Rates and Global Rebalancing," with Gisela Rua. Prepared for the Brookings-ADBI workshop on Global Rebalancing, Tokyo, 3-4 March 2010. This version 12 May 2010.
"The Federal Reserve, the Bank of England and the Rise of the Dollar as an International Currency, 1914-39," with Marc Flandreau. BIS Working Paper No. 328, 1 November 2010.
"Fetters of Gold and Paper," with Peter Temin. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 2010.
"The Economic Impact of European Integration," with Andrea Boltho. CEPR Discussion Paper No. 6820. Edited version in The Cambridge Economic History of Modern Europe, ed. Steve Broadberry and Kevin O'Rourke (Cambridge University Press 2010).
"Crisis and Growth in the Advanced Economies: What We Know, What We Don't, and What We Can Learn from the 1930s." December 2010. Revised version of a paper prepared for the World Bank-NYU conference on long-term effects of the financial crisis, 7-8 October 2010. Appears in Comparative Economic Studies (March 2011).
"27 Up: The Implications for China of Abandoning Its Dollar Peg," with Andrew Rose. 21 June 2010.
"Understanding West German economic growth in the 1950s," with Albrecht Ritschl. Cliometrica, Vol. 3, No. 3, October 2009.
"The Slide to Protectionism in the Great Depression: Who Succumbed and Why?" with Douglas A. Irwin. July 2009. NBER Working Paper No. 15142.
"Out of the Box Thoughts about the International Financial Architecture." 1 May 2009. IMF Working Paper No. 09/116. Also in Journal of Commerce, Economics and Policy (2010).
"Lessons of the Crisis for Emerging Markets." Asian Development Bank Institute Working Paper 179, 15 December 2009. Also in International Ecnomics and Economic Policy (2010).
"The Financial Crisis and Global Policy Reforms." Prepared for the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco's conference on Asia and the Financial Crisis, Santa Barbara, California, 19-21 October 2009, and in Asia and the Financial Crisis (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco 2010).
"Central Bank Transparency: Causes, Consequences and Updates," with Nergiz Dincer. February 2009. An earlier version of this paper was presented to the conference on Money Matters: The Law, Politics and Economics of Currency, held at Tel Aviv University on 7-9 January 2009. Appears in Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2010).
"Capital Account Liberalization, Financial Development and Industry Growth: A Synthetic View," with Rachita Gullapalli and Ugo Panizza. January 2009.
"Thirteen Questions about the Subprime Crisis." Prepared for a conference of the Tobin Project, "Toward a New Theory of Financial Regulation," White Oak Conference and Residency Center, Yulee, Florida, 1-3 February 2008.
The Rise and Fall of the Dollar, or When Did the Dollar Replace Sterling as the Leading Reserve Currency? with Marc Flandreau. Prepared for the conference in honor of Peter Temin, Cambridge, 9 May 2008. A longer version was presented to the Past, Present and Policy Panel, Genoa, Italy, 28-29 March 2008.
"Plumbing for Latin American Capital Markets" with Sudarat Ananchotikul. Appears in BIS Papers No. 26, "New Financing Trends in Latin America: A Bumpy Road Towards Stability," February 2008.
Exchange Rate Regimes and Capital Mobility: How Much of the Swoboda Thesis Survives? Prepared for the conference in honor of Alexander Swoboda, Geneva, May 2008.
"Europe's Coming Resurgence." A revised version appears in the Milken Review, March 2008.
"Bretton Woods and the Great Inflation," with Michael Bordo. NBER Working Paper 14532, December 2008.
"Sui Generis EMU." Presented to the European Commission's workshop "EMU@10: Achievements and Challenges," Brussels, 27 November 2007.
"The Real Exchange Rate and Economic Growth." Background paper for the World Bank Growth Commission, presented to the Commission meeting in New York City, 9 April 2007.
"Insurance Underwriter or Financial Development Fund: What Role for Reserve Pooling in Latin America?"Open Economies Review 18:1, February 2007. Presented to a FLAR-CEPAL conference in Lima, Peru, July 16-17, 2006.
"Fostering Monetary and Exchange Rate Cooperation in East Asia." Prepared for the EAMC Forum Conference on "Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia," Seoul, August 2007.
"Europe’s External Monetary and Financial Relations since the Euro" (with Alan Ahearne). Revised version of a paper presented to a Bruegel Conference in October 2006 (this version January 2007).
"European Integration: What Lessons for Asia?" Prepared for the Asian Development Bank project on Asian Regionalism, and presented to the project workshop in Bangkok, July 2007.
"Central Bank Transparency: Where, Why and with What Effects?" with Nergiz Dincer. NBER Working Paper No. 13003, March 2007.
"China and the Exports of Other Asian Countries" (with Yeongseop Rhee and Hui Tong). Review of World Economics 143:2, pp. 201-226, April 2007. An earlier draft of this paper was presented at the KIEP/Claremont conference on East Asian regionalism, Seoul, 26-27 August 2004.
"The Bush Legacy for America's International Economic Policy" (with Douglas Irwin). Prepared for the Conference on the Legacy of the Bush Years for the Next Adminstration, Miller Center for the Study of the Presidency, University of Virginia. This version August 2007.
"The Breakup of the Euro Area." For presentation to the NBER Summer Institute preconference for the project on the euro, 12 July 2007.
"A Blueprint for IMF Reform: More Than Just a Lender." International Finance 10:2 (2007).
"The Political Economy of European Integration," prepared for The Oxford Handbook of Political Economy, edited by Donald Wittman and Barry R. Weingast (Oxford University Press 2006).
"The Future of Global Financial Markets," prepared for the Conference on the Future of Globalization at Yale University, October 2003. Appears in the conference volume edited by Ernesto Zedillo, The Future of Globalization: Explorations in Light of Recent Turbulence (Routledge 2007). This updated version is from May 2006.
"Democracy and Globalization" (with David Leblang) Prepared for the BIS annual research conference in Brunnen, Switzerland, June 2006.
"China's Exchange Rate Regime: The Long and Short of It", Revision of a paper for Columbia University's conference on Chinese money and finance held in New York on February 2-3, 2006.
"Building Bond Markets in Latin America" (with Eduardo Borensztein and Ugo Panizza). Prepared for an IADB network on the growth of corporate bond markets in Latin America. Posted August 2006
"Bond Markets as Conduits for Capital Flows: How Does Asia Compare?" (with Pipat Luengnaruemitchai), NBER Working Paper No. 12408, August 2006.
"Sudden Stops and IMF Programs" (with Poonam Gupta and Ashoka Mody). An earlier version of this paper was presented to the Interamerican Seminar on Macroeconomics in Rio, 1-3 December 2005. This version is from 5 May 2006.
"Sterling's Past, Dollar's Future: Historical Perspectives on Reserve Currency Competition," text of the Tawney Lecture, delivered to the Economic History Society, Leicester, 10 April 2005.
"Is China's FDI Coming at the Expense of Other Countries?" (with Hui Tong), NBER Working Paper No. 11335, May 2005.
"Is a Change in the Renminbi Exchange Rate in China's Interest?" In Asian Economic Papers 4:1 (2006). An earlier version was presented to the Asian Economic Panel, 12-13 April 2004. This version is March 2005.
"Global Imbalances and the Lessons of Bretton Woods," in The Future of the International Monetary System edited by Marc Uzan (Edward Elgar 2005).
"Managing Capital Inflows: Eastern Europe in an Asian Mirror" (with Omar Choudry), prepared for the Turkish Central Bank/Center for European Integration Studies conference on Macroeconomic Policies for EU Accession, Ankara, 6-7 May 2005.
"Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economies" (with Ricardo Hausmann), editors' introduction to Other People's Money: Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economies (University of Chicago Press 2005).
"Current Account Reversals: Always a Problem?" (with Muge Adalet) prepared for the NBER Conference on G7 Current Account Imbalances, Newport, Rhode Island, June 1-2, 2005.
"Can a Rapidly-Growing Export-Oriented Economy Smoothly Exit an Exchange Rate Peg? Lessons for China from Japan's High-Growth Era" (with Mariko Hatase), NBER working paper 11625, September 2005.
"Do Collective Action Clauses Raise Borrowing Costs?" (with Ashoka Mody), The Economic Journal, 114:495, April 2004.
"Why Doesn't Asia Have Bigger Bond Markets?" (with Pipat Luengnaruemitchai), for presentation to the Korea University/BIS Conference on Asian Bond Market Research, Seoul, 21-23 March 2004. Revised version appears as NBER Working Paper No. 10576, June 2004; as HKIMR Working Paper No. 24/2004; and as BIS Paper No. 30, part 7, November 2006.
"Managing the World Economy in the 1990s," prepared for the Duke University/University of North Carolina Conference on the Economic History of the 1990s, 26-27 March 2004.
"The IMF in a World of Private Capital Markets" (with Kenneth Kletzer and Ashoka Mody), revision of a paper presented to an IMF/Bank of Spain conference, Madrid, June 2004.
"The Great Depression as a Credit Boom Gone Wrong" (with Kris Mitchener), prepared for the BIS's Conference on Credit Booms. Revised version appears in Research in Economic History, Vol.22, pp. 183-237 (2004).
"Financial Instability," prepared for the Copenhagen Consensus project, May 2004, and in Bjorn Lomborg (ed.), Global Crises, Global Solutions (Cambridge University Press 2004).
"Why Has There Been Less Financial Integration in Asia than in Europe?" (with Yung Chul Park), presented to a conference on finacial market development in Asia, held in Honolulu, Hawaii, February 2003.
"Stock Market Volatility and Monetary Policy: What the Historical Record Shows" (with Hui Tong), prepared for the Annual Research Conference of the Reserve Bank of Australia, Sydney, August 2003.
"Restructuring Sovereign Debt," an edited version appears in the Journal of Economic Perspectives vol. 17(4), pages 75-98 (2003).
"The Pain of Original Sin" (with Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza), August 2003. Revision of paper presented to a conference at the Inter-American Development Bank (November 2002). This version appears in Barry Eichengreen and Ricardo Hausmann (eds.), Other People's Money: Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economics (University of Chicago Press, 2004).
"Original Sin: The Road to Redemption" (with Ricardo Hausmann), August 2003. Revision of a paper presented to a conference at the Inter-American Development Bank (November 2002). Longer version appears as "The Pain of Original Sin"(with Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza),in Barry Eichengreen and Ricardo Hausmann (eds.), Other People's Money: Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economics (University of Chicago Press, 2004).
"The Mystery of Original Sin" (with Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza), August 2003. Revision of a paper presented to a conference at the Inter-American Development Bank, November 2002. This version appears in Barry Eichengreen and Ricardo Hausmann (eds.), Other People's Money: Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economics (University of Chicago Press, 2004)
"Is Aggregation a Problem for Sovereign Debt Restructuring?" (with Ashoka Mody), presented at the ASSA meetings, Washington, DC, 4 March 2003. A revised version appears in American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings (2003).
"Crisis Resolution: Next Steps" (with Kenneth Kletzer and Ashoka Mody). IMF Working Paper WP/03/196, 2003. A revised version appears in Brookings Trade Forum 2003 (Brookings Press 2003).
"Capital Account Liberalization and Growth: Was Mr. Mahathir Right?" (with David Leblang), a revised version appears in The International Journal of Finance and Economics (2003).
"What to Do with the Chiang Mai Initiative," prepared for the Asian Economic Panel Meeting in Tokyo, May 2002. Click for figures. A revised version appears in Asian Economic Papers (2003).
"Still Fettered After All These Years," 2002. Originally prepared as revised version that appeared in Canadian Journal of Economics.
"Predicting and Preventing Financial Crises: Where Do We Stand? What Have We Learned?" prepared for the Kiel Week annual conference, Kiel, Germany, 24 - 25 June 2002. Click for figures. Revised version appears in Horst Siebert (ed.), Global Governance: An Architecture for the World Economy (2003).
"Hedge Fund Leverage Before and After the Crisis" (with Bokyeong Park). A revised version appears in The Journal of Economic Integration (2002).
"Capital Account Liberalization: What Do the Cross-Country Studies Tell Us?" preliminary version, April 2001. A revised version appears in The World Bank Economic Review, March 2002.
"The British Economy Between the Wars", prepared for the third edition of The Economic History of Britain (Roderick Floud and Paul Johnson, eds), 2002.
"When Does Capital Account Liberalization Help More Than it Hurts?" (with Carlos Arteta and Charles Wyplosz), March 2000. Prepared for the conference celebrating Assaf Razin's 60th birthday, held at Tel Aviv University, 25 - 26 March 2001. Updated July 2001. Revised version appears in Elhanan Helpman and Efraim Sadka (eds.), Economic Policy in the International Economy (Cambridge University Press, 2003).
"Monetary and Financial Reform in Two Eras of Globalization (and In Between)" (with Harold James), May 2001. Prepared for the NBER Conference on Globalization and History, Santa Barbara, 4 - 6 May 2001. Revised September 2001. A revised version appears in Globalization in Historical Perspective, Michael Bordo, Alan Taylor, and Jeffrey Williamson (eds.), (University of Chicago Press, 2005).
"Is the Crisis Problem Growing More Severe?" (with Michael Bordo, Daniela Klingebiel and Maria Soledad Martinez-Peria), January 2001. Click for figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11. A revised version appears in Economic Policy April 2001.
"Innovation and Integration: Europe's Economy Since 1945." A revised version appears in Europe since 1945 (The Short Oxford History of Europe), edited by Mary Fulbrook (Oxford University Press 2001).
"International Financial Crises: Is the Problem Growing?" August 2001. A revised version appears in Jahrbuch fur Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2002).
"Hanging Together? On Monetary and Financial Cooperation in Asia", October 2001. Prepared for the World Bank project on Rethinking the Asian Miracle. An earlier version was presented to a meeting co-hosted by the World Bank and the Kennedy School of Government in Cambridge, 2-3 October 2001. A revision appears in Shahid Yusuf et al., Global Change and East Asian Policy Initiatives (Oxford 2003).
"EMU and Enlargement" (with Fabio Ghironi), prepared for a conference on Economic and Monetary Union organized by DG EcFin of the European Commission, Brussels, 21 - 22 March 2001. Revised version appears in Marco Buti and Adre Sapir (eds), EMU and Economic Policy in Europe (Edward Elgar, 2003).
"Does It Pay to Defend Against a Speculative Attack?" (with Andrew Rose), April 2001. A revised version appears in Managing Currency Crises in Emerging Markets, edited by Michael Dooley and Jeffrey Frankel.
"Counterfactual Histories of the Great Depression" (with Peter Temin), October 2001. A revised and edited version of this paper appears in Theo Balderston (ed.), The World Economy and National Economies in the Interwar Years.
"Crises Now and Then: What Lessons from the Last Era of Financial Globalization?" (with Michael Bordo), November 2001. Prepared for a conference in honor of Charles Goodhart at the Bank of England, 15 - 16 November 2001. A revised version appears in a festschrfit volume edited by Paul Mizen, Monetary History, Exchange Rates and Financial Markets (Edward Elgar 2004).
"Between Meltdown and Moral Hazard: The International Monetary and Financial Policies of the Clinton Administration" (with Brad DeLong), July 2001. Prepared for the conference on the Economic Policies of the Clinton Administration, Kennedy School of Government, 26-29 June 2001. A revised version apprears in a book by the same name, edited by Jeffrey Frankel and Peter Orzag.
"The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification: An Analytical Introduction" (with Jeffry Frieden), February 2000. Preliminary version of editors' introduction to the second edition of Barry Eichengreen and Jeffry Frieden, The Political Economy of European Monetary Unification, Second Edition (Westview Press, 2000).
"The EMS Crisis in Retrospect," preliminary version, November 2000. Prepared for the conference celebrating the 75th anniversary of the Banco de Mexico, Mexico City, 14 - 15 November 2000. A revised version appears in a volume edited by Guillermo Ortiz and Alejandro Werner, Stabilization and Monetary Policy: The International Experience.
"The Currency Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves: Retrospect and Prospect," preliminary version, January 2000. Click for figures. Prepared for the UNU/WIDER Conference on the Future of the International Monetary and Financial System, Helsinki, 11 - 12 November 1999. A revised version appears in a volume edited by Charles Wyplosz, The Impact of EMU on Europe and the Developing Countries (Oxford University Press 2001).
"The Bail-In Problem: Systematic Goals, Ad Hoc Means," May 2000. A revised version was published in Economic Systems, 2001.
"Institutions and Economic Growth in Postwar Europe: Evidence and Conjectures" (with Pablo Vazquez), September 1999. A revised version was published in Productivity, Technology, and Economic Growth , edited by Bart van Ark (Kluwer Academic Publishers 2000).
"Policy Making in an Integrated World: From Surveillance to...?" preliminary version, 1999. Prepared for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston's Conference on Policy Making in an Interdependent World, Cape Cod, 7 - 9 June 1999. A revised version appears in Jane Little and Giovanni Olivei (eds.), Rethinking the International Monetary System (1999)and in Andrew Hughes Hallet, et al. (eds.), Challenges for Economic Policy Coordination within European Monetary Union (2001).
"The Keynesian Revolution and the Nominal Revolution: Was There a Paradigm Shift in Economic Policy in the 1930s?", March 1999. A revised version appears in Valerio Castronovo (ed.), Storia dell-economia mondiale (A History of the World Economy), Volume 4: Between Expansion and Recession (1850-1930) (2000).
"Is Globalization Today Really Different than Globalization a Hundred Years Ago?" (with Michael Bordo and Douglas Irwin), preliminary version, 1999. Prepared for the Brookings Trade Policy Forum on Governing in a Global Economy, Washington, DC, 15 - 16 April 1999. Revised version published in Brookings Trade Policy Forum, 1999.
"Is Greater Private-Sector Burden Sharing Impossible?" preliminary version, 1999. Prepared for the IMF conference on Key Issues in Reform of the International Monetary and Financial System. Revised version published in Peter Kenen and Alexander Swoboda (eds.), Reforming the International Monetary and Financial System (2000).
"Is Our Current International Economic Environment Unusually Crisis Prone?" (with Michael Bordo), preliminary version, 1999. Click for figures. Prepared for the Reserve Bank of Australia Conference on Private Capital Flows, Sydney, 9 - 10 August 1999. A revised version was published in David Gruen and Luke Gower (eds.), Capital Flows and the International Financial System (1999).
"Institutions and Economic Performance: Evidence from the Labor Market" (with Torben Iversen), November 1999. A revised version was published in a special issue of The Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Winter 1999, on the economics of the 20th century.
"Hedge Funds in the New International Financial Architecture," preliminary version, 1999. Prepared for the Institute for Developing Economies Project on Reform of the International Financial Architecture, and presented at a symposium in Tokyo, 22 - 23 March 1999. A revised version was published in International Finance (2000).
"From Benign Neglect to Malignant Preoccupation: U.S. Balance-of-Payments Policy in the 1960s," preliminary version, November 1999. Prepared for the Brookings Conference on the U.S. Economy in the 1960s, November 1999. Published in a conference volume edited by George Perry and James Tobin, Economic Events Ideas and Policies: The 1960s and After (Brookings Institution Press 2000).
"The Empirics of Currency and Banking Crises" (with Andrew Rose), in NBER Reporter, 1999. Revised version published in Wirtschaftspolitisches Blatter (Austrian Economic Papers), 2000.
"What Explains the Changing Spreads on Emerging Market Debt?" (with Ashoka Mody), preliminary draft, February 1998. Revised version appears in Sebastian Edwards (ed.), The Economics of International Capital Flows (University of Chicago Press, 2000).
"Staying Afloat When the Wind Shifts: External Factors and Emerging-Market Banking Crises," (with Andrew K. Rose). NBER Working Paper No. 6370, January 1998. A revised version is published in Guillermo Calvo, Rudiger Dornbusch and Maurice Obstfeld (eds), Trade, Capital Mobility, and Growth: Essays in Honor of Robert Mundell (2000).
"The Rise and Fall of a Barbarous Relic: The Role of Gold in the International Monetary System" (with Michael Bordo), preliminary draft, January 1998. Click for figures 1-5, tables 1-8; appendices 1, 2 and 3; and appendix figures. Revised version appears in Guillermo Calvo, Rudiger Dornbusch and Maurice Obstfeld (eds.), Money, Capital Mobility, and Trade: Essays in Honor of Robert Mundell (2000).
"Lending Booms, Reserves and the Sustainability of Short-Term Debt: Inferences from the Pricing of Syndicated Bank Loans" (with Ashoka Mody), 1998. Prepared for the Interamerican Seminar on Macroeconomics, Rio de Janeiro, 3 - 5 December 1998. A revised version appears in the Journal of Development Economics (2000).
"The International Monetary Fund in the Wake of the Asian Crisis," preliminary version of a paper presented to the Monash University/Australian National University Conference on the Asian Crisis, Melbourne, 17 - 18 December 1998. Revised version appears in The Asian Financial System and the Architecture of Global Finance edited by Greg Noble and John Ravenhill (Oxford University Press 2000).
"Interest Rates in the North and Capital Flows to the South: Is There a Missing Link?" (with Ashoka Mody), preliminary draft, June 1998. A revised version appears in International Finance 1, October 1998.
"International Economic Policy in the Wake of the Asian Crisis," preliminary draft, August 1998. Revised version appears in Restructuring the Korean Financial Market in a Global Economy edited by Lee-Jay Cho, Yoonhyung Kim, and Inseok Shin (Korean Development Institution 2002).
"Exchange Rate Stability and Financial Stability," preliminary draft, June 1998. Revised version appears in Open Economies Review, Supplement, 1998.
"Exchange Rate Volatility and Intervention: Implications of the Theory of Optimum Currency Areas" (with Tamim Bayoumi), preliminary draft. Click for figure 1 and tables 1-3. Revised version published in Journal of International Economics, 1998.
"Does Mercosur Need a Single Currency?" prepared for the IPEA conference ALCA and MERCOSUL: The Brazilian Economy and the Processes of Subregional and Hemispheric Integration, Brazilia, 5 - 6 October 1998. Click for figures 1, 2, 3, 4, A.1 and A.2; and tables 1, 2, 3, A.1, A.2 and A.3.
"Currency Crises and Unemployment: Sterling in 1931" (with Olivier Jeanne), preliminary draft, 1998. Revised version appears in Paul Krugman (ed.), Currency Crises (University of Chicago Press 2000).
"The Stability Pact: More Than a Minor Nuisance?" (with Charles Wyplosz), preliminary draft, October 1997. Revised version published in Economic Policy 26, Spring 1998. Also appears in David Begg, Juergen von Hagen, Charles Wyplosz and Klaus Zimmermann (eds), EMU: Propsects and Challenges for the Euro (1998).
"Managing Financial Crises in Emerging Markets" (with Richard Portes), preliminary draft, August 1997. Revised version published in Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Managing Financial Instability (1998).
"The Gold Standard and the Great Depression" (with Peter Temin), NBER Working Paper No. 6060, 1997. Revised version published in Contemporary European History, July 2000.
"European Monetary Unification: A Tour d'Horizon," preliminary draft, December 1997. Revised version published in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Autumn 1998.
"The Euro as a Reserve Currency," preliminary draft, November 1997. Click for figures 1-4 and tables 1-5. Revised version appears in The Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, December 1998.
"Economics and Culture in the Writing of Financial History," preliminary draft, May 1997. Revised version appears in Gerald Feldman, Philip Cottrell and Jaime Reis (eds), Finance and the Making of Modern Capitalism.
"Dental Hygiene and Nuclear War: How International Relations Look from Economics," preliminary draft, December 1997. Revised version appears in International Organization, Autumn 1997 and in Peter Katzenstein, Robert Keohane, and Stephen Krasner (eds), Exploration and Contestation in the Study of World Policies, 1999. EP Conference on Recovery from the Asian Crisis, Seoul, 18 - 19 May 2001.
"The Baring Crisis in a Mexican Mirror," preliminary draft, February 1997. Click for figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. Revised version appears in International Political Science Review 20, August 1999.
"Unemployment and the Structure of Labor Markets: The Long View." A revised version appears in Herbert Giersch (ed.), Unemployment: A Problem in Europe (1996).
"The Role of History in Bilateral Trade Flows" (with Douglas Irwin), preliminary draft, May 1996. Revised version published in Jeffrey Frankel (ed.), The Regionalization of the World Economy (University of Chicago Press, 1998).
"Saving Europe's Automatic Stabilizers," CIDER WP #C96-082, November 1996. Revised version published in National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR) Review, December 1996. Also appears in Mark Baimbridge, Brian Burkitt, and Philip Whyman (eds.), The Impact of the Euro: Debating Britain's Future.
"On the Links Between Monetary and Political Integration," CIDER WP #C96-077, December 1996. A revised version was published in the Swiss Political Science Review, Spring 1997.
"Is Asia an Optimum Currency Area? Can It Become One? Regional, Global and Historical Perspectives on Asian Monetary Relations" (with Tamim Bayoumi), CIDER WP C96-081, December 1996. Revised version published in Exchange Rate Policies in Emerging Asian Countries (Routledge Studies in the Growth Economies of Asia, 13) edited by Stefan Collignon, Jean Pisani-Ferry, and Yung Chul Park (Routledge 1999).
"Hegemonic Stability Theory and Economic Analysis: Reflections on Financial Instability and the Need for an International Lender of Last Resort", CIDER WP C96-080, October 1996. A revised version was published in the Mershon International Studies Review (1998).
"Ever Closer to Heaven? An Optimum-Currency Area Index for European Countries" (with Tamim Bayoumi), CIDER WP C96-078, August 1996. Revised version appeared in European Economic Review and republished in Paul de Grauwe (ed.), The Politial Economy of Monetary Union.
"European Monetary Unification and International Monetary Cooperation" (with Fabio Ghironi), preliminary draft, December 1996. Revised version published in Politique Etrangere, 1997 (in French). Expanded version in Barry Eichengreen (ed.), Transatlantic Economic Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1998.
"EMU: An Outsider's Perspective," CIDER WP C96-079, October 1996. A revised verion appears in The Irish Banking Review, 1997.
"Contagious Currency Crises" (with Andrew K. Rose and Charles Wyplosz), NBER WP 5681; CEPR DP 1453, July 1996. Revised March 1997. Part of this paper was published in the Scandinavian Journal of Economics 98, 1996.
"Contending with Capital Flows: What is Different About the 1990s?" (with Albert Fishlow), Occasional Paper, Council on Foreign Relations, 1996. Click for figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; and tables 1 and 2. Revised and expanded version published in Miles Kahler (ed.), Capital Flows and Financial Crises, Cornell University Press, 1998.
"Is Regionalism Simply a Diversion? Evidence from the EU and EFTA" (with Tamim Bayoumi), preliminary draft, December 1995. Revised version published in Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger (eds.), Regionalism versus Multilateral Trade Arrangements (University of Chicago Press, 1998).
"Two Cases for Sand in the Wheels of International Finance" (with Charles Wyplosz and James Tobin), preliminary draft, May 1994. Revised version published in Economic Journal 105, January 1995.
"Speculative Attacks on Pegged Exchange Rates: An Empirical Exploration with Special Reference to the European Monetary System" (with Andrew K. Rose and Charles Wyplosz), preliminary draft, October 1994. Revised version published in Matthew Canzoneri, Wilfred Ethier and Vittorio Grilli (eds.), The New Trans-Atlantic Economy (Cambridge University Press, 1996). Also available as NBER Working Paper No. 4898 and CEPR Discussion Paper No. 1060.
"Financing Infrastructure in Developing Countries: Lessons from the Railway Age", Economics Department WP 94-230, October 1994. A revised version was published in Ashoka Mody (ed.), Infrastructure Delivery: Private Initiative and the Public Good, 1996.
"Debt Deflation and Financial Instability: Two Historical Perspectives" (with Richard Grossman), preliminary draft, June 1994. Click for figures 1-6 and 7-11; and tables 1-4. Revised version published in Forrest Capie and Geoffrey Wood (eds.), Asset Prices and the Real Economy (Palgrave Macmillan 1997).
“Blocs, Zones and Bands: International Monetary History in Light of Recent Theoretical Developments” (with Marc Flandreau), Scottish Journal of Economics, 1996.
“Unemployment and the Structure of Labor Markets: The Long View,” in Herbert Giersch (ed.), Fighting Europe’s Unemployment in the 1990s (Springer-Verlag 1996).
“Solving Maastricht’s Fiscal Problem” (with Juergen von Hagen and Ian Harden), in Richard Herr and Steven Weber (eds), European Integration and American Federalism: A Comparative Perspective, UC Berkeley: Institute for International and Area Studies (1996).
“Sterling in Decline Again: The 1931 and 1992 Crises Compared” (with Chang-Tai Hsieh), in Richard Tilly and Paul Welfens (eds), European Economic Integration as a Challenge to Industry and Government (Springer-Verlag 1996).
“Speculative Attacks on Pegged Exchange Rates: An Empirical Exploration with Special Reference to the European Monetary System” (with Andrew Rose and Charles Wyplosz), in Matthew Canzoneri, William Ethier and Vittorio Grilli (eds), The New Transatlantic Economy (Cambridge University Press 1996).
“Taxing International Financial Transactions to Improve the Operation of the International Monetary System” (with Charles Wyplosz), in Inge Kaul et al. (eds), The Tobin Tax (Oxford University Press 1996).
“Fiscal Restrictions and Monetary Union: Rationales, Repercussions, Reforms” (with Juergen von Hagen), Empirica, 1996. Also appears in Robert Holzmann (ed), Maastrict: Monetary Constitution Without a Fiscal Constitution? (Nomos Veragsgesellschaft 1996).
“Is There a Safe Passage to EMU: Evidence on Capital Controls and a Proposal” (with Andrew K. Rose and Charles Wyplosz), in Jeffrey Frankel and Alberto Giovannini (eds), The Microstructure of Foreign Exchange Markets (University of Chicago Press 1996).
“Can Foreign Aid Accelerate Stabilization?” (with Alessandra Casella), Economic Journal (May 1996).
“The Geography of the Gold Standard” (with Marc Flandreau), in Jorge Braga de Macedo, Barry Eichengreen and Jaime Reis (eds), Currency Convertibility: The Gold Standard and Beyond (Routledge 1996).
“Federalism, Fiscal Restraints, and European Monetary Union” (with Juergen von Hagen), American Economic Review (May 1996). Reprinted in Revue d’economie financiere (1998). (In French.)
“European Monetary Unification: The Challenges Ahead” (with Fabio Ghironi), in Francisco Torres (ed), Monetary Reform in Europe (Catholic University Press of Lisbon 1996).
“Institutions and Economic Growth: Europe after World War II,” in N.F.R. Crafts and Gianni Toniolo (eds), Economic Growth in Europe Since 1945 (Cambridge University Press 1996).
“International Economics and Domestic Politics: Notes on the 1920s” (with Beth Simmons), in Charles Feinstein (ed), Banking, Currency and Finance in Europe Between the Wars (Oxford University Press 1995).
“History and Reform of the International Monetary System,” Economia e Sociedade (1995).
“Economic Regionalism: Evidence From Two 20th Century Episodes” (with Jeffrey Frankel), in J. Kim (ed), Regionalism in the World Economy (East-West Center 1995). Abridged version in North American Journal of Economics and Finance (1996). Reprinted in Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyang Kim (eds), Hedging Bets in Growth in a Globalizing Industrial Order: Lessons for the Asian NIEs (Korean Development Institute 1998).
“Exchange Rate Commitments and Central Bank Cooperation: The Classical and Interwar Gold Standards Compared,” Financial History Review, 1995.
“Exchange Market Mayhem: The Antecedents and Aftermath of Speculative Attacks” (with Andrew Rose and Charles Wyplosz), Economic Policy, 1995.
“Mainsprings of Postwar Europe’s Growth,” in Barry Eichengreen (ed), Europe's Postwar Recovery (Cambridge University Press, 1995).
“The European Payments Union: An Efficient Mechanism for Rebuilding Europe's Trade?” in Barry Eichengreen (ed), Europe's Postwar Recovery (Cambridge University Press, 1995).
“Perspectives on the History of the International Monetary System,” in Eli D'Aura, Ennio Di Nolfo and Renato Grispo (eds), Essays in Honor of Luigi De Rosa (1995).
“The Endogeneity of Exchange Rate Regimes,” in Peter Kenen (ed), Understanding Interdependence: The Macroeconomics of the Open Economy (Princeton University Press, 1995).
“L’organisation de l’economie internationale depuis Bretton Woods: un panorama,” in Michel Aglietta et al. (ed), Cinquante Ans Aprs Bretton Woods, CEPII Collection, 1995.
“Restraining Yourself: The Implications of Fiscal Rules for Economic Stabilization” (with Tamim Bayoumi), Staff Papers, 1995.
“Two Cases for Sand in the Wheels of International Finance” (with James Tobin and Charles Wyplosz), Economic Journal, 1995. Reprinted in Pensamiento Iberamericano, 1995. Also reprinted in Voix de la Cite, 2000. Also reprinted in Sylvester C.W. Eijffinger and Jan J.G. Lemmen, International Financial Integration (Edward Elgar, 2002).
“Trade Blocs, Currency Blocs and the Reorientation of Trade in the 1930's” (with Douglas Irwin), Journal of International Economics, 1995.
“The Bretton Woods System: Paradise Lost?” Revue d'economie financiere, 1994 (in French). English version appears in Barry Eichengreen and Marc Flandreau (eds), The Gold Standard in Theory and History, Second Edition (Routledge, 1997).
“The Supply of Gold Under the Pre-1914 Gold Standard” (with Ian McLean), Economic History Review, 1994.
Edited Books
Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges, co-edited with Masahiro Kawai. Brookings Institution Press and the Asian Development Bank Institute, forthcoming 11 February 2015.
The World Economy after the Global Crisis: A New Economic Order for the 21st Century, co-edited with Bokyeong Park. World Scientific Books, April 2012.
Labor in the Era of Globalization, co-edited with Clair Brown and Michael Reich, Cambridge University Press, November 2009. Publisher's description, excerpt, and table of contents.
Fostering Monetary & Financial Cooperation in East Asia, co-edited with Duck-Koo Chung, World Scientific Press, April 2009. Click here for publisher's description, excerpt and table of contents.
Emerging Giants: China and India in the World Economy, co-edited with Poonam Gupta and Ranjiv Kumar. Forthcoming December 2009 from Oxford University Press.
Rescuing Our Jobs And Savings: What G7/8 Leaders Can Do To Solve The Global Credit Crisis with Richard Baldwin,, 9 October 2008.
China, Asia, and the New World Economy, with Charles Wyplosz and Yung Chul Park, Oxford University Press, March 2008. Click here for cover with table of contents.
Bond Markets in Latin America: On the Verge of a Big Bang? co-edited with Eduardo Borensztein, Kevin Cowan, and Ugo Panizza, MIT Press, June 2008. Click here for table of contents and sample chapter.
What G20 Leaders Must Do to Stabilise Our Economy and Fix the Financial System ( with Richard Baldwin., 2008.
Toward an East Asian Exchange Rate Regime, with Duck-Koo Chung, Brookings Institution Press, January 2007. Click here to read a sample chapter and order this book.
The European Economy in an American Mirror, with Michael Landesmann and Dieter Stiefel, Routledge Press, October 2007.
Other People's Money: Debt Denomination and Financial Instability in Emerging Market Economies, with Ricardo Hausmann, University of Chicago Press, 2004.
The Korean Economy Beyond the Crisis, with Duck-Koo Chung, Edward Elgar, 2004.
Sterling in Decline, Second Edition, with Alec Cairncross. Includes new Introduction, Palgrave-Macmillan, 2003.
The Political Economy of European Monetary Integration, Second Edition, with Jeffry Frieden, Westview Press, 2000.
Forging an Integrated Europe, with Jeffry Frieden, University of Michigan Press, 1998.
Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard, with Tamim Bayoumi and Mark Taylor, Cambridge University Press, 1997.
Europe's Postwar Recovery, Cambridge University Press, 1995.
A Retrospective on the Bretton Woods System, with Michael Bordo, University of Chicago Press, 1993.
OP-EDS, Reviews, & Comments
“Resolving the Coming Global Debt Crisis,” Project Syndicate (12 May 2020).
“Awaiting a Post-Coronavirus Dawn: What Kind of Recovery?” Aljazeera Centre for Studies (30 April 2020).
“Libra Still Needs More Baking” (with Ganesh Viswanath-Natraj), VoxEU (25 April 2020).
“The Most Serious Crisis of All,” East Asia Forum (11 April 2020). Reprinted as “The Analogy Trap in Economic Policy,” The Economic Historian (22 April 2020).
“Alice in Libraland,” Beyond the Techlash – Project Syndicate (20 April 2020).
“The Emerging Market Crisis and How China can Help,” Caixin (10 April 2010).
“The Human Capital Costs of the Crisis,” Project Syndicate (10 April 2020).
“Economic Disaster Could Foster Authoritarianism or Offer a Historic Opportunity,” The Guardian (31 March 2020).
“Viral Fears,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (15 March 2020).
“Coronanomics 101,” Project Syndicate (10 March 2020).
“America’s Isolationist Default,” Project Syndicate (10 February 2020).
“Democratizing the ECB,” Project Syndicate (14 January 2020).
“When Central Banks Went Missing,” Die Weltwoche 16 January 2020).
“Letter from America: Addressing Inequality through Wealth Taxation,” Intereconomics (January 2020).
“A Tale of Two Worlds: The Global Economy in 2020,” Estadao Sao Paulo (29 December 2019).
“A Requiem for the World Trade Organization,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (17 December 2019).
“The Policy Debate Europe Needs,” Project Syndicate (9 December 2019).
“Is China About to Experience its Own Crisis of Rising Expectations?” Project Syndicate (12 November 2019).
“The Two Faces of Populism,” VoxEU (28 October 2019).
“Trump’s Tariffs will be Back, U.S.-China Trade Deal or Not,” Caixin (23 October 2019).
“Is Libra Dead on Arrival?” Project Syndicate (16 October 2019).
“Libra in Limbo,” Nikkei (October 15, 2019).
“Libra’s Insurmountable Obstacles,” Le Monde (30 September 2019).
“Did Dudley Do Right?” Project Syndicate (10 September 2019).
“Memo to Ms. Georgieva,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (September 3, 2019).
“Trump’s Cross of Gold,” Project Syndicate (11 August 2019).
“Trump’s Looming Currency War,” Caixin (August 2019).
“Trump’s Trade War: Even Worse Than You Think,” Corospondent (July 2019).
“The Central Banker Europe Needs,” Project Syndicate (9 July 2019).
“How the U.S. Economy’s Luck Runs Out,” Prospect Magazine (July 2019).
“Facebook’s Venture into Cryptocurrency is a Terrible Idea,” Washington Post (24 June 2019).
“Unconventional Thinking About Unconventional Monetary Policies,” Project Syndicate (10 June 2019).
“Central Banks Go Green,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (7 June 2019).
"The Specter of Versailles," Finance and Development (June 2019).
"The Return of Fiscal Policy," Project Syndicate (13 May 2019).
"Emerging Risks for Emerging Economies," Project Syndicate (10 April 2019).
"Is China's Current Account Surplus Really Vanishing?" Caixin (2 April 2019).
"Public Debt Through the Ages" (with Asmaa El-Ghainey, Rui Pedro Esteves and Kris James Mitchener), VoxEU (1 April 2019).
"Mars or Mercury Redux: The Geopolitics of Bilateral Trade Agreements" (with Arnaud Mehl and Livia Chitu), VoxEU (14 MArch 2019).
"How to Organize Europe's Trade with Iran,"Project Syndicate (12 March 2019).
"Unlikely Lessons for the Euro Area,"Finanz und Wirstschaft (15 March 2019).
"Is Brexit a Life and Death Matter?" (with Rebecca Mari and Gregory Thwaites), Brink: The Edge of Risk (11 March 2019).
"The Euro's Global Hopes and Dreams," CEPS Commentary (11 January 2019).
"Toward a Tranquil Year," Project Syndicate (10 January 2019)
"The Euro @ 20: An Enduring Success but a Fundamental Failure," The Conversation (4 January 2019).
"End or Beginning of the Rough Patch in Emerging Markets?" Estado Sao Paulo (25 December 2018).
"The U.S. China Phony Truce," Project Syndicate (11 December 2018).
"Universal Basic Income: The Idea that Won't Go Away," Finanz und Wirtschaft (15 December 2018).
"China's One Belt One Road in the Mirror of the Marshall Plan," Caixin (8 November 2018).
"Populism's Common Denominator,"Project Syndicate (November 2018).
"Montagu Norman: Reflections from St. Clere," Bank Underground (November 2018).
"The IMF in Crisis," Prospect Magazine (October 2018).
"The Stable-Coin Myth," Project Syndicate (9 September 2018).
"Ten Years After Lehman: Thinking About the Next Financial Crisis," Nikkei (7 September 2018).
"Investors Have the Power to Tame Erdogan and Trump," Financial Times (18 August 2018).
"IMF Reform: The Unfinished Agenda" (with Jose DeGregorio, Charles Wyplosz and Takatoshi Ito), VoxEU (9 September 2018).
“Trump’s Trade War at the Point of No Return,” Corospondent (July 2018).
“Trump and Erdogan Down the Garden Path,” Central Banking (August 10, 2018).
“Globalization with Chinese Characteristics,” Project Syndicate (August 2018).
“The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump’s Trade Policies,” Project Syndicate (July 2018).
“China in the Balance,” Caixin (June 30, 2018).
“Secular Stagnation to Permanent Standstill?” Weltwinkel (June 2018).
“The Populists’ Euro,” Project Syndicate (11 June 2018).
“Trade Wars: Everything Old is New Again,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (11 June 2018).
“What Trump’s Appearance at the G7 Summit Reveals about America,” Il Sole 24 Ore (9 June 2018).
“Is Globalization Going to Unravel?” Prospect Magazine (May 30, 2018).
“China and the Future of Democracy,” Project Syndicate (May 10, 2018).
“Italy: From Miracle to Stagnation,” Il Sole 24 Ore (June 4, 2018).
“Can a Trade War Still be Averted?” Project Syndicate (April 10, 2018).
“Putting the Greek Debt Problem to Rest” (with Ugo Panizza, Richard Portes, Beatrice Weder de Mauro, Charles Wyplosz and Jeromin Zettelmeyer), VoxEU (20 March 2018).
“The Dollar’s Doldrums,” Project Syndicate (11 March 2018).
“The Brexit Endgame,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (6 March 2018).
“The Lessons of Black Monday,” Project Syndicate (February 2018).
“The Renminbi Revival,”Caixin (February 2018).
“Ready or Not for the Next Recession,” Project Syndicate (January 2018).
“Overcoming the Middle-Income Challenge” (with Joshua Aizenman and Donghyun Park), Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (2018).
“Outlook for 2018,” O Estadao Sao Paulo (24 December 2017).
“Two Myths About Automation,” Project Syndicate (11 December 2017).
Review of Roman Studer, The Great Divergence Reconsidered, Journal of Interdisciplinary History (December 2017).
“U.S. Economic Policy: The Storm After the Calm,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (27 November 2017).
“The U.S. Dollar Dominates Global Finance – But for How Much Longer?” Prospect Magazine (22 November 2017).
“Central Banks in the Dock,” Project Syndicate (11 November 2017).
“Data in Advance of Theory,” Il Sole 24 Ore (in Italian), 27 October 2017.
“Populists at the Polls: Why the 1896 Election Matters” (with Michael Haines, Matthew Jaremski and David Leblang), VoxEU (25 October 2017).
“The Demise of Dollar Diplomacy?” Project Syndicate (11 October 2017).
“China’s Trump Problem,” Caixin (15 September 2017).
“The Euro’s Narrow Path,” Project Syndicate (11 September 2017).
“Populism and Trust in Europe” (with Christian Dustmann, Sebastian Otten, Andre Sapir, Guido Tabellini and Gylfi Zoega), VoxEU (23 August 2017).
“The Contrary Dollar,” Finanz und Wirtsachft (24 August 2017).
“Revenge of the Experts,” Project Syndicate (9 August 2017).
"Asia’s Unhappy Anniversary,” Project Syndicate (10 July 2017).
“Righting Trump’s Wrongs,” Project Syndicate (12 June 2017).
“A False Dawn for Chinese-American Trade,” Caixin (16 May 2017).
“Germany Unbalanced or Unhinged?” Project Syndicate (11 May 2017).
”What Tax Reform Tells Us About Trump,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (10 May 2017).
“Italy and the Euro: History Doesn’t Run in Reverse,” Il Sole 24 Ora (3 May 2017).
“Crouching Tiger, Paper Donald,” Project Syndicate (10 April 2017).
“What’s a President to Do?” Project Syndicate (10 March 2017).
“Where Did the Euro Go Wrong?” Current History (March 2017).
“The Renminbi Goes Global,” Review of Prasad and Sabucchi, Foreign Affairs (February 2017).
“Is Currency Manipulation Yesterday’s Problem?” Caixen (28 February 2017).
“On the Fickleness of Capital Flows” (with Poonam Gupta), VoxEU (22 February 2017).
“Trump the Reluctant Multilateralist,” Project Syndicate (15 February 2017).
“Don’t Short the Euro: It’s Here to Stay,” Bloomberg View (6 February 2017).
“Powerful Forces will Lead to a Stronger Dollar,” Financial Times (26 January 2017).
“The Economic Consequences of Mr. Trump,” Finanz und Wirtschaft (12 January 2017).
“Trump Before Trump,” Project Syndicatee (12 January 2017).
“Trump Changes Everything,” Estado Sao Paulo (25 December 2016).
"The Age of Hyper-Uncertainty," Project Syndicate (15 December 2016).
"Hot Money: The True Meaning of China's Capital Controls," CIGl On Line (13 December 2016).
"Globalization's Last Gasp," Project Syndicate (November 18, 2016).
"Three Ways of Making Sense of the Dollar in Uncertain Times," Financial Times (14 November 2016).
"Asia Needs to Spell Out Changes They Want in International Monetary System," Caixen (21 October 2016).
"China's SDR Distraction,"Project Syndicate (12 October 2016).
"Brexit and the Pound in Your Pocket," Project Syndicate (13 September 2016).
"Airing the IMF's Dirty Laundry," Project Syndicate, August 11, 2016.
"The British Economy after the Referendum," Finaz und Wirtschaft, August 16, 2016.
"The Brexit Surprise and Emerging Markets" (with Poonam Gupta), VoxEU, 4 July 2016.
"What Explains Britain's Brexit Shocker?" The Conversation, 27 July 2016.
"The Age of Hyper-Uncertainty," Project Syndicate (15 December 2016).
"The True Meaning of China's Capital Controls," CIGl On Line (13 December 2016).
"Globalization's Last Gasp," Project Syndicate (November 18, 2016).
"Three Ways of Making Sense of the Dollar in Uncertain Times," Financial Times (14 November 2016).
"An International Monetary System for Asia," Caixin (16 October 2016).
"China's SDR Distraction," Project Syndicate (12 October 2016).
"Brexit and the Pound in Your Pocket," Project Syndicate (13 September 2016).
"Lessons from South Korea for China's Economic Rebalancing Act," Caixin Online (20 June 2016).
"Financial Scarcity Amid Plenty," Project Syndicate (June 15, 2016).
"Renminbi Internationalization: The Pause that Refreshes," China's World (June 2016).
"Why Greece Still Needs Debt Relief," Fortune, 10 May 2016.
"Rescaling China's Debt Mountain," Project Syndicate, 10 May 2016.
"The Brexit Alarm," Project Syndicate, 12 April 2016.
"Is the China Panic Over?," Caixin, 18 March 2016.
The ECB Once More into the Breach," Handelsblatt, 15 March 2016.
"China's Exchange-Rate Trap", Project Syndicate, 9 Feb 2016.
"Hopes and Fears,"Estadao Sao Paulo, 24 December 2015 (in Portuguese).
"How the Euro Crisis Was Successfully Resolved" (with Charles Wyplosz), VoxEU (12 Feb 2016).
"Confronting the Fiscal Bogeyman," Project Syndicate, 10 March 2016.
Review of Masazumi Wakatabe, Japan’s Great Stagnation and Abenomics, Japanese Journal of Political Science (2015).
"Today's Productivity Paradox," Project Syndicate, 10 December 2015.
"Is the Renminbi's Future as a Global or Regional Currency?", VoxEU, 2 December 2015.
"Europe's Not-So-Ever-Closer Union", Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 December 2015.
"Is U.S. Monetary Policy Made in China?", Project Syndicate, 10 November 2015.
"Exchange Lessons from the Plaza, 30 Years On", Caixin Online, 10 October 2015.
"The Crisis Europe Needs", Project Syndicate, 10 October 2015.
"The Global Productivity Slump: Global and Country-Specific Factors" (with Donghyun Park and Kwanho Shin), VoxEU, 16 September 2015.
"China's Forex Follies", Project Syndicate, 10 September 2015.
"Breaking the Greek Debt Impasse" (with Peter Allen and Gary Evans), VoxEU, 7 September 2015.
"The Promise and Peril of Macroprudential Policy", Project Syndicate, 7 August 2015.
"Escaping the Greek Debt Trap" (with Peter Allen and Gary Evans), Bloomberg View, 27 July 2015.
"What China Should Learn from Greece's Cautionary Tale", Caixin Online, 15 July 2015.
"Saving Greece, Saving Europe," Project Syndicate (July 13, 2015).
"America's Greece: Fixing Puerto Rico Could Provide Answers for Europe", Speigel, 8 July 2015.
"A Positive Alternative for Greece," Finanz und Wirtschaft (4 July 2015).
"Governments Behaving Badly," Estadao Sao Paulo (3 July 2015).
"Road to Greek Crisis Is Paved with Incompetence," The Conversation (29 June 2015).
"China the Responsible Stakeholder," Project Syndicate (8 June 2015).
"Central Banks under the Gun", Finanz und Wirtschaft, 5 May 2015.
"Responding to a Slowing Economy", Caixin Online, 4 May 2015.
"Europe's Poisoned Growth Chalice,", Project Syndicate, 11 April 2015.
"The Fed Under Fire", Project Syndicate, 11 March 2015.
"Cassandras and Currency Wars", FT Alphaville, 10 February 2015.
"Central Banks' Balance Sheet Obsession" (with Beatrice Weder di Mauro), Project Syndicate, 10 February 2015.
"Time To Get Serious about Bank Reform, Prospect Magazine, 22 January 2015.
"Financial crisis: Revisiting the banking rules that died by a thousand small cuts", Fortune, 16 January 2015.
"The SNB Shock",Finanz und Wirtschaft, 16 January 2015.
Economists, Remove Your Blinders, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 12 January 2015.
Europeans Need to Reconsider the Lessons of the Great Depression, History News Network, 16 January 2015
Grexit deja vu: is Europe really ready to let its Grecians go?, The Conversation, 9 January 2015.
Don't Bet on a Stronger Dollar, Project Syndicate, 13 January 2015.
Review of Eric Helleiner, Forgotten Foundations of Bretton Woods, Journal of Interdisciplinary History, Winter 2015.
"The Bank of England Fails It's Transparency Test" with Petra Geraats, VOX, 6 January 2015.
"Putting Deflation First", Project Syndicate, 11 December 2014.
"Can a Broken Europe Be Mended?" Finanz und Wirtschaft, 2 December 2014.
"What will the next financial crisis look like--and are we ready?", The Conversation, 1 December 2014.
"Fool's Gold" Die Weltwoche, Switzerland, 26 November 2014.
"The bond market's dance over European debt will not last forever,", Financial Times, 17 November 2014.
"Will China Revert to the Mean?"Caixin,13 November 2014.
"Ukraine's Debt Dilemma" with Domenico Lonbardi, Project Syndicate, 12 November 2014.
"For Barry Eichengreen, fiscal consolidation needn't cause a recession," in Journal Valor Economico, 7 November 2014 (in Portuguese).
"From Tapering to Tightening: The Impact of the Fed's Exit on India" with Karik Basu and Poonam Gupta, VoxEU, 5 November 2014.
"The Evolution of Devolution", Project Syndicate, 9 October 2014.
"Three Questions for Mr. Draghi," Handelsblatt, 12 September 2014.
"Is the Bundesbank Too Creative for its Own Good?" Finanz und Wirtschaft , 10 September 2014.
"Leadership in a Leaderless World,", Calcalist (Economist),7 September 2014.
"Bankers Pine for an Imaginary Past," Financial Times (23 August 2014).
The rules of central banking are made to be broken, Financial Times, 22 August 2014.
Can Large Primary Surpluses Solve Europe's Debt Problem? (with Ugo Panizza), VoxEU, 30 July 2014.
The Renmimbi's Grand Tour, Project Syndicate, 10 July 2014.
France Lacks the Moral Authority to Depose the Dollar, Financial Times, 9 July 2014.
Leaners of Last Resort, Project Syndicate, 11 June 2014.
"Capital Controls in the 21st Century" with Andrew K. Rose, VoxEU, 5 June 2014.
Review of Thomas Piketty, Capital in the 21st Century, Europe's World, June 2014.
"Europe Should Take Lessons from Japan", Finanz und Wirtschaft, 2 June 2014.
Europe's Crisis Treadmill, Project Syndicate, 12 May 2014.
The Tyranny of Economic Growth, Caixin Online, 9 May 2014.
Losing Interest, Project Syndicate,11 April 2014.
Escaping 'Secular Stagnation', Caixin Online, 18 March 2014.
Yuan Dive?, Project Syndicate, 12 March 2014.
"Debt-for-Equity Swaps Offer Greece a Better Way", VoxEU, 28 February 2014.
"Is There a Fiscal Union in Europe's Future?", Finanz und Wirtschaft, 18 February 2014.
The Dollar and the Damage Done, Project Syndicate, 13 February 2014.
A Requiem for Global Imbalances, Project Syndicate, 13 January 2014.
Review of Brigitte Granville, Remembering Inflation,, in Business History Review, Volume 88, Issue 04, Winter 2014
A Tale of Two Tapers, Project Syndicate, 11 July 2013.
Bernanke's "Tapering Crisis"-Made in Shanghai?, Finanz und Wirtschaft, 3 July 2013.
Lessons of a Greek Tragedy, Project Syndicate, 13 June 2013.
Open-Access Economics, Project Syndicate, 17 May 2013.
"Can Japan Save Europe?" Caixin, 8 May 2013.
"The Austerity Scandal," Die Zeit, 6 May 2013.
"The World Wisely Edges Away from a Currency Scandal," Financial Times, 27 April 2013.
"Economic Analysis, Economic Alchemy," Die Zeit, 27 April 2013.
"The Use and Abuse of Monetary History,", Project Syndicate, April 10, 2013.
"Is the Middle Income Trap about To Be Sprung?" International Affairs Forum, March 2013.
"Our Children's Economics", Project Syndicate, 8 February 2013.
"Our Topsy-Turvy World?", Project Syndicate, 23 January 2013.
"Growth Slowdowns Redux: Escaping the Middle-Income Trap," with Donghyun Park and Kwanho Shin, Vox EU, 11 January 2013.
"Why No Glass-Steagall II?", Project Syndicate, 10 January 2013.
"Giving Abe's Policy a Chance," Caixen, February 2013.
"Indian Banks and the Global Crisis," Financial Express with Poonam Gupta, 25 January 2013.
"The Dollar's Limited Reprieve", The Diplomat, 23 January 2013.
"Are Services Different?" with Poonam Gupta, The Financial Express, 18 January 2013.
"The real exchange rate and export growth: Are services different? (with Poonam Gupta),, 18 January 2013.
"Foreword to the 40th Anniversary Edition of Charles Kindleberger, The World in Depression" with J. Bradford DeLong. University of California Press, January 2013.
"Obituary: Peter Kenan, Economist" with Charles Wyplosz, The Financial Times, 21 December 2012.
"Kenan on the Euro" with Charles Wyplosz, The Financial, 24 December 2012.
The Euroless Union?, Project Syndicate December 2012.
Europe’s Populists at the Gate, Project Syndicate November 2012.
The Renminbi Challenge, Project Syndicate October 2012.
The Wisdom of Silence, CaixinOnline September 24, 2012.
Audit the Fed?, Project Syndicate September 2012.
Europe’s Summer Reading List, Project Syndicate August 2012.
Europe’s Divided Visionaries, Project Syndicate July 2012.
What Europe's Crisis Means for Asia, CaixinOnline July 2, 2012.
Share the Work, Project Syndicate June 2012.
Is Europe on a Cross of Gold?, Project Syndicate May 2012.
China’s Century or America’s?, East Asia Forum April 15, 2012.
The ECB’s Lethal Inhibition, Project Syndicate April 2012.
Europe's Trust Deficit, Project Syndicate 12 March 2012.
Europe’s Greek Pantomine(in Portuguese), Estado Sao Paulo February 26, 2012.
Europe’s Tobin Tax Distraction, Project Syndicate February 2012.
Soft Power and Hard Choices, CaixinOnline January 11, 2012.
Europe’s Vicious Spirals, Project Syndicate January 2012.
Interview, PulseBerlin, December 2011.
"Disaster Can Wait," Project Syndicate, 9 December 2011.
"Europe's Darkness at Noon," Project Syndicate, 8 November 2011.
"Coco for Europe," Project Syndicate, 11 October 2011.
""Europe Needs Contingency Plans in the Event that Italy Doesn't Grow." " Die Welt, 14 August 2011. (in German)
"What Can Replace the Dollar?" Project Syndicate, 11 August 2011.
"Financial crisis: Can Asia skate through again?" East Asia Forum, 7 August 2011.
"One-Way Euro," Australian Financial Review, 29 July 2011.
"Why Europe's Crisis Isn't Over," 26 July 2011. English version of a column in Estadao Sao Paulo, 31 July 2011.
"Why Dollar's Reign Is Near an End." Wall Street Journal, 1 March 2011.
"Why Egypt Should Worry China." Project Syndicate, 8 February 2011.
"What China Is After Financially." East Asia Forum, 30 January 2011.
"Slowing China." Project Syndicate, 9 March 2011.
"The Rise and Fall of the Dollar." Conversations with History, UC Berkeley Institute of International Studies, 4 January 2011.
"The Euro's Debatable Future: Fix the Banks, Fix the Currency." Wall Street Journal Online, 8 March 2011.
"The Full Brady." Project Syndicate, 10 May 2011.
"General Marshall on the Aegean." Project Syndicate, 13 July 2011.
"Germany's Choice." Euro Intelligence, 14 January 2011.
"How To Kill a Dollar." Project Syndicate, 9 June 2011.
"Latin Lessons for the Euro Zone." Portuguese version was published in O Estado de Sao Paulo 16 January 2011.
"The Next Financial Crisis." O Estado de S. Paulo, 13 March 2011 (in Portuguese).
"An Ever Closer Union." Foreign Policy, 7 February 2011.
"Back to the Sixties." Project Syndicate, 11 January 2011.
"The Bear of Bretton Woods." Project Syndicate, 1 April 2011.
"A Conversation with Barry Eichengreen." An Economix Book Chat interview, New York Times, 14 January 2011.
"The Dollar: Dominant No More?" OUPblog, Oxford University Press, 7 January 2011.
Review of Otmar Issing, The Birth of the Euro,in Enterprise and Society, June 2011.
"Portents of the Greek Rescue." Eurointelligence, 15 April 2010.
"A Productivity Boom-in-Waiting?" In Project Syndicate, 9 September 2010.
"Redesigning Financial Regulation." Video of session at Davos World Economic Forum, January 2010.
"Regional funds: Paper tigers or tigers with teeth?" In Regional and Global Liquidity Arrangements, edited by Ulrich Volz and Aldo Caliari, 2010.
"Risks to the Economy in 2010 Are External," Economia, 10 January 2010 (in Portuguese).
"Sense, Nonsense, and International Monetary Reform." In Estadao Sao Paulo (in Portuguese), 14 November 2010. English version appears here.
"Wanted: Renegades to raise productivity." Interview in Straits Times, 23 March 2010.
"What do the new data tell us?" With Kevin H. O'Rourke. An update of three original Vox columns comparing today’s global financial crisis to the Great Depression., 8 March 2010.
"What the Fed Must Be Thinking." In Finanz und Wirtschaft (in German), 12 November 2010. English version appears here.
"What a U.S. Double Dip Would Imply for Brazil." In Economia (in Portuguese), 5 September 2010.
"Who Should Lead the IMF?" Project Syndicate, 22 March 2010.
"Why China is Right on the Renminbi." Project Syndicate, 22 April 2010.
"A World of Multiple Reserve Currencies." Project Syndicate, 20 October 2010.
"Worries about EU Leaders." Economia Expresso (in Portuguese), 23 December 2010.
"Obamanomics: Year One and Beyond." Project Syndicate, 25 January 2010.
"Obama's Bank Plans Are Wishful Thinking." (in German) Der Standard, 23 January 2010.
"Outlook for the U.S. Economy, Monetary Policy and Financial Markets." Interview with Luciana Xavier, Estadao Sao Paolo, 17 April 2010 (in Portuguese).
"Ireland’s Reparations Burden." Handelsblatt (English translation), 2 December 2010.
"Is America Catching the 'British Disease'?." Project Syndicate, 11 November 2010.
"It Is Not Too Late for Europe." VoxEU, 7 May 2010.
"It's Time for the IMF To Tackle Currency Tensions." Institutional Investor, 30 September 2010.
"Marriage Counseling for the G-20 and the IMF." Project Syndicate, 10 August 2010.
"Monetary and Fiscal Follies." Forthcoming in Conjuntura Economica (in Portuguese), August 2010.
"A New Strategy for China." Estado Sao Paulo, 27 July 2010 (in Portuguese).
"IMF REFORM: Time to move on," Emerging, IMF/World Bank Edition, 8 October 2010.
"How To Prevent a Currency War" with Douglas Irwin, Project Syndicate, 12 October 2010.
"Hedging Bets." A review of More Money Than God by Sebastian Mallaby in Slate, 29 June 2010.
"How Housing Slumps End," with Agustin S. Benetrix and Kevin H. O'Rourke. VoxEU, 21 July 2010.
"Global Economic Governance," video from IMF/World Bank 2010 Annual Meetings, 9 October 2010.
"Globalization and the Crisis." Video of presentation for panel discussion on "The Financial Crisis and Globalisation: What Linkages?" at the 9th Munich Economic Summit, 29 April 2010.
"The Future of EMU." Forbes Croatia (in Croatian), May 2010.
"From Currency Warfare to Lasting Peace," VoxEU, 30 September 2010.
"From Great Depression to Great Credit Crisis: Causes, Consequences and Lessons." Video of lecture at Portland State University, 1 March 2010.
"Europe's Historic Gamble." Project Syndicate, 15 May 2010.
"Europe's Inevitable Haircut." Project Syndicate, 9 December 2010.
"Europe's Trojan Horse." Project Syndicate, 15 February 2010.
"Financial Shock and Awe," Foreign Policy, 6 October 2010.
"Double-Dip Recession Is the Most Likely Scenario in Europe." La Tercera (in Spanish), 16 May 2010.
"Drawing a line under Europe’s crisis.", 17 June 2010.
"Contribution to The Economist Debate on Euro Breakup.", 28 May 2010.
"China Needs a Service-Sector Revolution." Project Syndicate, 18 June 2010.
"China Should Let Yuan Appreciate for the World." Korea Times, 21 October 2010.
"Will Global Imbalances Return?" In the monthly column "The New Financial Order" appearing in Project Syndicate, 1 June 2009.
"Working together, U.S., P.R.C. can help world’s economy." In the monthly column "The New Financial Order" appearing in Project Syndicate, July 2009.
"The World Economy is Tracking or Doing Worse than the Great Depression," with Kevin O'Rourke., 6 April 2009.
"Whither Regulation?" (in German). In Finanz und Wirtschaft, 1 July 2009.
"Was the Euro a Mistake?" In, 20 Janaury 2009.
"We Must Keep Trade from Falling Off a Cliff." Article in the San Francisco Chronicle, 17 February 2009.
"UNU Conversation Series: The Economic Crisis." Video interview, United Nations University, June 2009.
"South Korea’s G-20 Challenge." Project Syndicate, 24 December 2009.
"The Story of the Gold Standard." A panel discussion on Radio National's Rear Vision, Australian Broadcasting Corporation, 15 July 2009.
"A Tale of Two Depressions" In, 4 June 2009.
"Roots of Our Depression." An edited version is forthcoming in Finanz und Wirtschaft. 10 March 2009.
"Searching for the Exit" (in German). Finanz und Wirtschaft, 19 December 2009.
"The protectionist temptation: Lessons from the Great Depression for today," with Douglas Irwin. Online at, 17 March 2009.
"The Primacy of Politics (Das fatale Primat der Politik)." In Financial Times Deutchland (in German), 19 August 2009.
"Pittsburgh will shape global financial system." Project Syndicate, September 20, 2009.
"Mundo não cresce mais como antes da crise (Potential for World Growth Reduced by the Crisis)." An interview in, 22 July 2009 (in Portuguese).
"It’s Not When To Exit, But Who." Appeared in Eurointelligence (, 11 November 2009.
"The Irresistible Rise of the Renminbi." Project Syndicate, 23 November 2009.
"The Great Depression and the Current Global Crisis: Parallels and Lessons." Podcast interview on "Economics Corner: IMF Podcasts," July 28, 2009.
"Green Shoots of U.S. Recovery Need Liquidity to Grow." A revised version appears in the Quarterly Review of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, 11 May 2009.
"Global Financial & Economic Crisis: What Should the G20 Do?." Webcast of panel discussion sponsored by UC Berkeley Law's Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy (BCLBE), UC Berkeley Center on Institutions and Governance (IGS), and Haas School of Business on March 18, 2009.
"The G20 and the Crisis." Revision of a speech to the "Global Korea 2009" conference held in Seoul, 23 February 2009.
"G20 Summit: It's No Place to Put Out the Raging Fire," London, 1 April 2009.
"Five Ideas for Strengthening the IMF." In Responses to the Global Crisis: Charting a Progressive Path, pp. 37-39 for Policy Network's 2009 Progressive Governance Conference and Summit, March 2009.
"Europe's Turning Point." 8 March 2009.
"The effectiveness of fiscal and monetary stimulus in depressions." In, 18 November 2009.
"Emerald Isle to Golden State." Online at, 25 February 2009.
"The death-defying dollar." Project Syndicate, October 23, 2009.
"Conversations with History: Historical Perspective on the Global Economic Crisis. A Conversation with Professor Barry Eichengreen." Video produced by the Institute of International Studies, UC Berkeley, 22 Janaury 2009.
"A credit crisis, not a morality play." Online at, 18 February 2009.
"Commercialise the SDR Now,", 5 May 2009.
"Competitive Devaluation to the Rescue." Online at, 18 March 2009.
"Can Asia Free Itself from the IMF?" In the monthly column "The New Financial Order" appearing in Project Syndicate, 1 July 2009.
"Battling Capital Inflows." An edited version appeared in the Korea Times, 19 November 2009.
"As Large as the Great Depression" (in German). In Sueddeutsche Zeitung, 1 July 2009.
"What G20 Leaders Must Do To Stabilise Our Economy and Fix the Financial System." An e-book edited with Richard Baldwin in November 13, 2008.
"U.S. Economy to Slump Until 2009, Fed Policy Broadly Appropriate." Interview with Barry Eichengreen (in Korean). Appears in The Korean Economic Daily, 11 March 2008.
"The United States as an Emerging Market." A German-language version appears in the Frankfurter Allgemeine in October 2008.
"Time to Grasp the Fiscal Nettle," Commentary on, 9 October 2008.
"Treasury Secretary Too Slow To Act," Op-ed in San Francisco Chronicle and online at SFGate, 13 October 2008.
"Should We Fear Another Smoot Hawley?" Commentary on Guardian On Line , 31 December 2008.
"Securitization and Financial Regulation: Pondering the New Normal." Delivered to the Fixed Income Forum, Santa Barbara, California, 23 July 2008. A revised version is forthcoming (in German) in Finanz und Wirtschaft.
"Not a New Bretton Woods but a New Bretton Woods Process." 6 November 2008.
"Now's the Time for Fiscal Support." Interview with Barry Eichengreen in Financial Times Deutschland (in German), 8 September 2008.
"The New Bretton Woods: What It Means for Europe To Lead." An edited version appears in The European Voice 30 October 2008 under the title "Europe Must Deliver and Take the Lead at Bretton Woods II."
"Korea's Options for Coping with U.S. Slump." In The Korea Herald, 20 February 2008.
"Is This the Start of Another Great Depression?" Commentary on, 8 October 2008.
"How Obama Can Fix the Economy." Commentary on, November 17, 2008.
"Global Financial Market Turmoil." Participant on a panel of scholars from UC Berkeley analyzing how the recent financial market meltdown occurred, evaluating the government's response, and explaining its impact on American households and global markets. Sponsored by UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies and Berkeley Center for Law, Business and the Economy. October 2, 2008.
"The Crisis of the Euro." Commentary on Project Syndicate, 1 November 2008.
"The Credit Crisis: Final Act or Intermission?" Presented to a meeting of British CFOs, 29 April 2008.
"Back to the 'Thirties with a Twist." An edited version appeared in The Financial Times, 18 August 2008.
"Asia and Global Stagflation." In, 19 June 2008. Unedited version presented to the Asian Banking Conference at the Federal Researve Bank of San Francisco, 15 June 2008.
"Anatomy of a Financial Crisis." A shorter version appeared through Project Syndicate, September 18, 2008.
"And Now, the Great Depression." Appears on RGE Monitor, September 23, 2008.
"Why Now Is a Good Time to Sell the Dollar." In the Financial Times, 4 September 2007.
"The Way Forward for the Korean Economy." Interview in Korean Herald, 27 June 2007.
"Submerging Markets?" Appears in Global Economy and International Finance (special issue for the delegates to the IMF/World Bank annual meetings), 2007.
"The Subprime Crisis and Asia," August 2007. An edited version appears in the Korea Herald.
"Resetting Europe’s Place at the Global Financial Table" (with Alan Ahearne). In, 18 October 2007.
Review of Paul De Grauwe and Jacques Melitz, "Prospects for Monetary Unions After the Euro." Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XLV, March 2007.
"The Mother of All Emerging Market Crises." An edited version appeared in Finanz und Wirtschaft, 5 September 2007.
"Message to Asian Investors: Fasten Your Safety Belts." An edited version appeared in the Korean Herald, 23 August 2007.
"The Message in the Financial Noise." An edited version appeared in Handelsblatt, 21 August 2007.
"Korean Economy Stuck Between Two Whales." In The Korea Times, 30 November 2007.
"Intensified Conflict (Verschärfte Konflikte)," Manager Magazine, 22 June 2007 (in German).
"The Euro: Love It or Leave It?" In, 19 November 2007.
"Europe and the Euro: Doomed to Succeed." An edited version will appear in the March 22, 2007 issue of European Voice newspaper.
"Capitalism and the Forces of Globalisation." In CESifo Bulletin, Vol 17, No. 3, July 2007.
"Asian Crisis 10 Years Later." Vox EU, 18 June 2007.
"The U.S. External Deficit Is Unsustainable: Interview with Barry Eichengreen." In La Tercera, Santiago, Chile, 12 November 2006 (in Spanish).
"Profile of Barry Eichengreen," Neue Zuricher Zeitung, 9 January 2006.
"The Next Tsunami? Preparing for a Disorderly Correction of Global Imbalances." Asian Economic Papers, 5:2, 2006.
"Mr. Greenspan's Legacy." In Borsen-Zeitung, 27 January 2006 (in German).
"Interview with Barry Eichengreen." In AmericaEconomia October/November 2006 (in Spanish).
"How to Really Reform the IMF."A translation into German appeared in Handelsblatt, 23 February 2006.
Interview: "Global Imbalances," Appears in Manager Magazine, 1 August 2006 (in German).
"Global Imbalances," Interview appearing in Turkish Times, July 2006)(in Turkish).
Review of Guillermo A. Calvo Emerging Capital Markets in Turmoil: Bad Luck or Bad Policy? Appears in Finance & Development, September 2006.
"The End of Two Housing Booms." An edited version appeared in Handelsblatt, 2 June 2006 (in German).
"Chinese Financial Reform: No Longer Time to Cross the River by Feeling the Stones." A German-language version appears in Finanz und Wirtschaft the week of 18 September 2006.
"Turbulence on the Horizon," Interview with Barry Eichengreen, Foco Magazine (Brazil), April 2005 (in Portuguese).
"A New Year for the Dollar." A Japanese translation appeared in Nihon Keizai Shimbun, January 10, 2005.
"Is the Dollar About to Lose its International Role?" A revised version in German appeared in Handelsblatt, April 2005.
Comment on Michael Dooley and Peter Garber, "Is It 1958 or 1968? Three Notes on the Revived Bretton Woods System" (Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1:2005, pp. 147-87). April 2005.
"Inscrutable China," July 2005. A German translation is in Handelsblatt.
"Entrevista: A festa dos emergentes vai acabar," October 23, 2005, B8 Economica (in Portuguese).
"The Euro after the French Referendum." Appeared in the Swiss newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft, June 2005 (in German).
"An End to Argentina's Misery." An edited version of this piece appeared in the Swiss newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft, December 2005 (in German).
Comment on Sebastian Edwards's paper on current account imbalances at the Jackson Hole Symposium 2005, sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, August 25-27, 2005.
"Dollar ist Deutlich Uberbewertet,", June 2005 (in German).
"The Dollar's Fall: Time for a Grand Bargain?" An edited version is in German in the Swiss newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft, January 2005.
"Críticas a La Venta de Bonos a Venezuela" Interview with La Nacion-Argentina, December 6, 2005.
Comment on Richard Cooper, "Almost a Century of Central Bank Cooperation," presented at the 75th anniversary conference of the BIS, July 2005.
"Turkish Delight." A revised version appeared in Handelsblatt December 2004 (in German).
Review of Joseph Stiglitz, The Roaring Nineties: A New History of the World's Most Prosperous Decade. An edited version appears in the International History Review, September 2004.
Foreword to Recovery from the Asian Crisis, edited by Euamporn Tasarika (Edward Elgar 2004).
Interview on post-election prospects in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 November 2004 (in German).
"The Next Recession." An edited version appeared in the Financial Times under the title "Dollar's Fall Not To Be Welcomed," 20 December 2004.
"The IMF at 60." An edited version appeared in the Swiss review Finanz und Wirtschaft, September 2004.
Review of Francis J. Gavin Gold, Dollars, and Power: The Politics of International Monetary Relations, 1958-1971. A revised version appears in American Historical Review, 2004.
"Exchange Rates Are Not the Issue" (with Yung Chul Park). An edited version appears in the Financial Times, 29 March 2004.
"America's Twin Deficits: The End is Near (But Not That Near)," an edited version appeared on 15 October 2004 in the German newspaper Handelsblatt.
Review of John Gillingham European Integration 1950-2002: Superstate or New Market Economy?. An edited version appears in Foreign Affairs under the title "Putting it Together: The Foibles and Future of the European Union," July/August 2003.
"A Dose of Structural Reform for the Stability Pact." A German version appears in Handelsblatt, 2 May 2003.
"China Should Unpeg the Renminbi Now." A German version appears in the Swiss weekly Finanz und Wirtschaft, 20 August 2003.
"Britain's Euro Test," June 2003. A German version appeared in the Swiss newspaper Finanz und Wirtschaft.
"After the Stability Pact." An edited version appeared, in German, in Die Zeit in the last week of November 2003.
"What Macroeconomic Measures are Needed for Free Trade to Flourish in the Western Hemisphere?" prepared for the Organization of American States/NetAmericas Research Network on Trade in the Americas Conference on Integrating the Americas, Washington, DC, 21 - 22 November 2002. Link to program with paper and video clip. Revised version appears in Latin American Politics and Society (2004).
"U.S. Foreign Economic Policy After September 11th." An essay written for the Social Science Research Council. A revised version appears in Craig Calhoun, Paul Price and Anshley Timmers (eds.), Understand September 11th (New Press, 2002).
"A Temporary Respite for Brazil." A revised version appears in German in Finanz und Wirtschaft, 14 August 2002.
"A Stability Pact for Grown-Ups." A revised version appears in Portuguese in Espresso (August 2002).
"Making the World a Safer Financial Place." A revised version in Italian appears in La Repubblica, 30 September 2002.
"An International Solution to Financial Fragility" (with Ricardo Hausmann). An edited version appeared in The Financial Times on 22 November 2002 under the title "How to Eliminate Original Financial Sin."
Review of Joseph Stiglitz Globalization and its Discontents (Norton 2002), "The Globalization Wars." An edited-for-publication version appears in Foreign Affairs, July/August 2002.
"Whither IMF Reform?" January 2001. A revised version appeared in Finanz und Wirtschaft, January 2001.
"From Bretton Woods to Bipolarity: Singapore and the World," July 2000. Prepared for the 30th anniversary conference of the Monetary Authority of Singapore, 20 July 2001.
"The Euro: Already Here." A revised and edited version appears in TIAA-CREF Investment Forum, December 2001..
"Argentina After the IMF," August 2001. A revised version appeared in Finanz und Wirtschaft, August 2001.
"The Year of the Strong Euro?" March 2000. Preliminary version of an article in Finanz und Wirtschaft, March 2000 (in German).
"Who Mislaid the Wirtschaftswunder?" October 2000. An edited version appeared in the Financial Times, 6 October 2000.
"A Prague Scorecard," September 2000. A revised version appears in Finanz und Wirtschaft, September 2000.
"Dollarization and Sense," May 2000. Preliminary version of a note published in Business and Strategy, May 2000.
Review of Robert Gilpin, The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century, preliminary version, June 2000. A revised version appeared in the Journal of Economic Literature, March 2001.
"The Crisis of (Confidence in) Global Capitalism," preliminary version, February 1999. A revised version appears in Critical Review 14, 2001.
"One Economy, Ready or Not," review of Thomas Friedman's The Lexus and the Olive Tree, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1999. A revised and edited version appears in Foreign Affairs, May/June 1999.
Introduction to: Transatlantic Economic Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, Council on Foreign Relations Press, 1998 (preliminary version).
Comment on Alesina, Perotti and Tavares, "The Political Economy of Fiscal Adjustments," preliminary version, October 1997. Click for figure. A revised version appears in Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 1, 1998.
Yua Kwan and Francis Lui, "Hong Kong's Currency Board and Changing Monetary Regimes," preliminary version, July 1997. A revised version appears in Takatoshi Ito and Anne Krueger (eds), Exchange Rate Arrangements for East Asian Countries, University of Chicago Press, 1999.